Why is it?

Why is it that for more than 2,000 years February has had fewer days than the other eleven months? Why is it that in the first part of the year the odd numbered months have 31 days, but then without reason the eighth, tenth and twelfth months do? Why, if Augustus stole a day from February to add to his month (August, previously Sextilis), couldn’t we move it back?

3 thoughts on “Why is it?”

  1. I’m sure February could take it back, but I wouldn’t recommend it. My girlfriend’s birthday is August 31st, and she seems quite partial to that date. Sure, it would just move to the 30th, but 31 is a better number according to her. She doesn’t like round numbers. My birthday is 10-10, so I kind of enjoy the symmetry. The 9th isn’t as exciting to me. But I say we should go for it.

  2. Sorry, I just said that we should and that we shouldn’t. I meant to say that we should, but it would get me in trouble. Or that I’d have to listen to rants about it. I’d rather not listen to her whine about that too, there are so many other things she can complain about. Trust me.

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