An Apple a day

Ed Bott, author of several how-to books about Windows, has an excellent and useful blog with many helpful ideas about getting the best from your computer’s operating system. Today, however, Bott posted excerpts from an anti-Apple diatribe by Slate’s Jack Shafer — all about how the press is so enamored of Apple.

I don’t hate Apple. I don’t even hate Apple-lovers. I do, however, possess deep odium for the legions of Apple polishers in the press corps who salute every shiny gadget the company parades through downtown Cupertino as if they were members of the Supreme Soviet viewing the latest ICBMs at the May Day parade.

Shafer goes on to say that once the newness wears off he can’t find any press references to these same products, thereby concluding they are all second-rate failures.

NewMexiKen’s computers have all been Windows (or DOS) but I love iTunes and my iPod. I read a lot of reviews and here’s the kind of thing I keep seeing. This is from Personal Technology from The Wall Street Journal:

Every mainstream consumer doing typical tasks should consider the Mac. Its operating system, called Tiger, is better and much more secure than Windows XP, and already contains most of the key features promised for Vista.

As NewMexiKen commented on Ed Bott’s blog, “Perhaps Shafer can’t find articles about the older Apple products because new ones keep coming along at a rate that Redmond cannot fathom.”