A Wavering Hope

My mom was feeling very hopeful through all this. Then we met with FEMA this morning. After two hours waiting in line for it’s cold bureaucratic embrace, her hope started to flicker. This is what it looks like when poor people have lost it all, and are told to get in line. Which line? Did you fill out that form? I hear they suspended the vouchers. Who do I call for shelter? Call this 800 number to get your number. But sir, I don’t have a phone. Go to this website to get a number. But sir, I don’t have a computer, or a home to put it in, or a phone to connect it to.

Get in line, ma’am.

This what it looks like when you can’t take anymore. If I could strangle an entire bureaucracy with my bare hands, I would.

Go see the photo of his mother at Operation Eden.

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