Two kinds of fruit

To drive the point home, Rep. Duncan Hunter reads off the the “20th Hijacker”‘s Sunday menu: a whole-wheat pita, brown long-grain rice, canned peaches, steamed asparagus, northern beans, tea, and margarine (is there an Atkins plan for this?). Hunter even went as far as to bring in an actual plate of the food to show. If there was any sort of sass from the audience, Hunter liked to harp on the fact that the prisoners also recieved two kinds of fruit. Two, dammit! “We are blameless! We have given them two types of fruit!” Stewart cries, holding out his arms. “Although it should be noted that according to a memo signed by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the US Military does consider dingleberries a type of fruit”.

TV Squad describing a portion of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (last night).