Cracks me up

“The state of Virginia has now passed a law that calls for a $50 fine for anyone who displays their underwear in a lewd or indecent manor. They’re calling this new law ‘Just say no to crack.'”

“Imagine that you can’t show your underwear in Virginia. Let me tell you something — the plumbers union is really going to fight this one! They have their lobbyists in Washington right now.”

Jay Leno

(Maybe the lobbyists should go to Richmond, but whatever.)

6 thoughts on “Cracks me up”

  1. This law was just thrown out, not passed. The law was causing so much embarrassment for the state that they dropped it.

    In the news report I saw, they showed only young males with their underwear showing. Seems to me that lately we see as many young women showing their underwear as young men. (I kind of wonder if the law would have been written to allow female sharing but not male sharing.)

    Of course, the other legislative news in our state right now is that both houses just passed bills to change the state constitution to ban gay marriage.

    These are the things they spend their time on? Seems like there are more serious problems in our state that actually affect us day-to-day that they could be discussing.

  2. I agree, Emily. How would the average citizen’s life be affected if homosexual marriage wasn’t outlawed? As far as I know, same-sex marriage isn’t allowed in New Mexico, anyway. Writing a law and putting in the books to prohibit something that’s already prohibited seems like a waste of time. At best, it’s just as bad as writing junk laws like the one proposed in VA. At worst it denies the basic rights of a group of people.

    And attempting to justify the such laws by saying they will somehow “preserve the sanctity of heterosexual marriage” is a load of bull. You think this argument is anything new? You don’t think people in the civil rights era said that allowing blacks into white schools would somehow dirty them? The same underlying principle applies here; allowing same-sex couples to marry would somehow “dirty” marriage.

  3. What difference does it make if we start WWIII, bankrupt the nation, or devastate the environment as long as we outlaw homosexuality and abortion and then force the entire population to become born-agin Christians?

  4. It’s all a smoke screen. I think they stir up this kind of crap to keep the public’s eyes off what’s really going on. I recently had a woman (college student/regular library user) in her 40’s trying to tell me that John Kerry voted for full term abortions twice–which, as she explained to me, meant that full term babies are delivered live and then the doctor sticks a knife in its throat and kills it! Keep the public riled up with that kind of garbage (you should hear her on homosexuality and gay marriage) and meanwhile you can rape the Arctic Tundra, pillage the economy, and pretty much do whatever you want to line your pockets and the pockets of your cronies a the expense of the struggling masses. It’s really disgusting, especially the fact that so many lamebrains fall for it. But then, last year was the Chinese “Year of the Sheep,” which certainly fit the way far too many people in this country behaved. (Think about the classic characteristics of sheep.) This week began the “Year of the Rooster,” so I guess we’d better brace ourselves for a lot of strutting, posturing, and vicious cock fights.

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