Bloggers Suffer Burnout

From Wired News:

[J]ust one manifestation of a problem increasingly faced by popular daily bloggers: burnout. While they enjoy what they’re doing, many find that keeping up with the pressures to post regularly and to be sharp, witty and incisive is often too much.

NewMexiKen is rarely sharp, witty or incisive, but I know what they mean.

Several bloggers contacted for this story noted that their readers seem to look at their regular, consistent posting patterns as somewhat akin to a sign of physical health. And any break in that pattern is sometimes seen as a cause for alarm.

“I know that if I go more than about five or six hours without posting, or telling people that I’m not going to be blogging for the rest of the day,” said Reynolds, readers e-mail him and say, “You haven’t posted anything in five or six hours. Are you OK?”