My other halves — corny and sly

Functional Ambivalent has some kind words — I think

I’ve added [linked to] NewMexiKen. When I’m travelling, I like nothing better than reading local, small-town newspapers, and NewMexiKen has some of that flavor. He lists celebrity birthdays, covers events of note in Albuquerque, and keeps the pictures of his grandchildren off to the side where I can ignore them without too much trouble. He’s also funny in a half-corny/half-sly way. He had a thing up recently bragging that he’d had his highest traffic day ever: 239 visitors. Now that Functional Ambivalent has linked to him, his traffic will doubtless shoot up to 242 visitors a day. Soon, I’m sure, he’ll be begging for donations to pay for bandwidth.

2 thoughts on “My other halves — corny and sly”

  1. As the mother of one of the sweeties that apparently can be ignored “without too much trouble,” I am wondering if Functional Ambivalent would like to settle this matter outside?

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