
NewMexiKen missed some interesting birthdays during the week.

Tuesday, November 11, was the birthday of author Kurt Vonnegut. He was born in 1922.

Wednesday, November 12, was the birthday of Tracy Kidder, Pulitizer prize-winning author of The Soul of the New Machine. He was born in 1945.

Wednesday was also the birthday of actor and playright Wallace Shawn. He was born in 1943. Wallace Shawn is the son of William Shawn, editor of The New Yorker magazine from 1952-1987.

Friday, November 14, was the birthday of Astrid Lindgren creator of the world’s strongest girl, Pippi Longstocking. Lindgren died last year in Stockholm at age 94. When was asked what she wanted for her 94th birthday, she had said, “Peace on earth and nice clothes.”

From The Writer’s Almanac