I don’t get it

Fully one-quarter of the total time is remaining in the Argentina-Mexico soccer match and, with the score tied 1-1, the commenter on ESPN.com (the gamecast) says, “This is starting to look like it will go to extra time.”

Is there any other major sport where things seem so determined so early? Football teams rarely give up even if they are down by 17 at the start of the fourth quarter. Good basketball teams will fight back down six with 30 seconds to play. These too are uphill battles. Can someone explain the game psychology of soccer that seems to determine that similar comeback efforts are futile, even if only behind by one goal at half-time? This seems particularly strange in a sport where possession can change at any moment and a score takes just seconds.

Update: The game did, of course, go to extra time (overtime).

Jack Dempsey

… was born on this date in 1895 in Manassa, Colorado, which makes him about the most famous native-son of the San Luis Valley. As Red Smith wrote in Dempsey’s obituary for The New York Times in 1983:

Jack Dempsey was one of the last of a dwindling company whose exploits distinguished the 1920’s as ”the golden age of sports.” His contemporaries were Babe Ruth in baseball, Red Grange and the Four Horsemen of Notre Dame in football, Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen in golf, Bill Tilden, Helen Wills Moody and Suzanne Lenglen in tennis, Johnny Weissmuller and Gertrude Ederle in swimming, Paavo Nurmi in track, Man o’ War, the racehorse, and Earl Sande, the jockey. But none of the others enjoyed more lasting popularity than the man who ruled boxing between 1919 and 1926.

The obituary is worth reading.

Like father, like son

A Little League father from Kent, N.Y., has been charged with misdemeanor assault, The Associated Press reported, after he allegedly punched the coach of 9- and 10-year-olds who suspended his kid for uppity behavior.

“A word of warning to youth baseball coaches,” wrote Bob Reno of BadJocks.com. “If you kick a kid off the team for insubordination, you can probably assume the little acorn hasn’t fallen far from the big nut tree.”

The Seattle Times: Sideline Chatter

Should have given these guys a red car

Autobahn? Try auto gone.

Two English soccer fans couldn’t locate their rental car after a World Cup game in Cologne, ananova.com reported, even though they’d alertly copied down the street name where they’d parked — “Einbahn Strasse” — to avoid just such a problem. They learned the folly of their ways when they asked a policeman, who pointed out that “Einbahn Strasse” is German for “one-way street” and that every other street in inner-city Cologne boasts such a sign.

They finally found the car, with the help of police, a few hours later.

The Seattle Times: Sideline Chatter

World Cup

Blame the refs if you want, but I believe you have to score more than one goal in three games to advance.

(The goal in the tie vs. Italy was an own goal by an Italian player.)

Update: The U.S. had four shots on goal in three games.


News report: “Mark Cuban, outspoken owner of the Dallas Mavericks, was fined $250,000 by the league Tuesday for ‘several acts of misconduct’ following his team’s Game 5 loss in the NBA Finals on Sunday in Miami.”

Mark Cuban is worth an estimated $2 billion. That’s “B” for billion. $250,000 to Mark Cuban has about the same relative value as $125 would have for someone worth only $1 million, or 12 dollars and fifty cents would to someone worth $100,000.

Best line of Sunday, so far

“You don’t have to run down that last stretch on a white stallion, you know, you could limp in there and say, ‘Thanks for the trophy.'”

Johnny Miller commenting during Phil Mickelson’s crash on 17 and 18 at the U.S. Open.

More evidence that the World Cup isn’t a premier event in the U.S. (at least not in New Mexico)

Because of FCC-mandated children’s programming from 9-11 a.m., Saturday’s Ghana-Czech Republic and Italy-United States matches were aired by Albuquerque’s KOAT-TV on a tape-delay basis.

Today’s matches (Croatia-Japan, Brazil-Australia and France-South Korea) will be shown tape-delay for the same reason, KOAT sports director Bob Brown said.

KOAT on Saturday issued the following statement: “The soccer games are being tape-delayed because we are required by the FCC to air a set number of children’s programs in a consistent time period. That time period is 9 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, 9 to 10 a.m. on Sunday. Because of that, we will bring you the games tape-delayed to meet the FCC requirements.”

Today’s matches will be aired live on KLUZ-TV, a Spanish-language station, as were Saturday’s.

Albuquerque Journal

NewMexiKen watched the U.S.-Italy match on a one-hour delayed basis, knowing that the results were a computer screen away.

One understands, of course, that this same KOAT would have pre-empted the kids programming in a heart-beat for a live report on a two-acre fire someplace.

(NewMexiKen cannot find that this delay is a practice for west coast stations, where World Cup matches begin yet an hour earlier.)

The World Cup ref

Here via Political Animal a little balance about yesterday’s USA-Italy match and the referee:

BBC comment on the red card against Italy’s Daniele De Rossi: “De Rossi disgraced himself with a sickening, needless elbow on Brian McBride and was given his marching orders.”

BBC comment on the red card against USA’s Pablo Mastroeni: “His two-footed, reckless lunge on Pirlo was deserving of a red card and left referee Jorge Larrionda with little option.” And the New York Times: “The officials’ guidelines call for red cards for two-footed cleats-up tackles.”

LA Times comment on both red cards against USA, including the second against Eddie Pope: “Although the U.S. questioned the calls, replays appeared to show that both were justified.”

Washington Post comment on the offside call against Brian McBride that negated a second half goal: “Afterward, McBride admitted that he was not only offside, but had screened goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon.”

Update: The Sports Economist disagrees — with a foul-by-foul inventory.

Politics and the pitch

There have been revolutions to create socialism, democracy, and authoritarian dictatorship. But humankind has yet to fight a revolution to guarantee one of the most vital elements — if not the most vital element — of the good life. That is, a winning soccer team. If we were to take up arms for this reason, what kind of government would we want to install?


Communist, Fascist, military junta or industrialized democracy? An interesting, if not altogether serious article that begins with the above paragraph.

Fans lose trousers to gain entry

Football’s governing body has explained why up to 1,000 Dutch fans watched a World Cup tie wearing no trousers.

Around 1,000 fans arrived for the Ivory Coast tie in their traditional bright orange trousers – but bearing the logo and name of a Dutch brewery.

To protect the rights of the official beer they were denied entry, so the male fans promptly removed the trousers and watched the game in underpants.

Fifa said an attempt at an “ambush” publicity campaign was not allowed.

Fifteen major companies have paid up to $50m (£27m) each for the right to be official partners at this World Cup.

The American firm Anheuser Busch, which makes Budweiser, won the exclusive right to promote and sell its beverage in the stadiums and other venues.

There has been a wider resentment in Germany that a US brewery has the exclusive rights in a country which prides itself on the quality of its beer and has very strict laws governing its composition.

BBC News

Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum

1939 Baseball Hall of Fame

Sixty-seven years ago today.

Back row: Honus Wagner, Grover Cleveland Alexander, Tris Speaker, Nap Lajoie, George Sisler, Walter Johnson.
Seated: Eddie Collins, Babe Ruth, Connie Mack, and Cy Young.
Ty Cobb is missing from the photo; he had missed a train and arrived late.

The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum was officially dedicated in colorful ceremony on June 12, 1939. The game’s four ranking executives of the period — [Kenesaw M.] Landis, [Ford] Frick, [William] Harridge and William G. Bramham, President of the National Association — participated in the ribbon-cutting. Of the 25 immortals who had been elected to the Hall of Fame up to that point, 11 were still living; and all of them journeyed to Cooperstown to attend the centennial celebration. A baseball postage stamp commemorating the occasion was placed on sale that day at the Cooperstown post office, with Postmaster General James A. Farley presiding.

Origins of the Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum.

Check out the Babe’s socks. He was into the low-cut sock look long before anyone else.

Vince Lombardi

… was born on this date in 1913.

Lombardi is the legendary football coach. You know — the one the Super Bowl trophy is named for.

Some Lombardisms:

  • “If winning isn’t everything, why do they keep score?”
  • “If you aren’t fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm.”
  • “Show me a good loser, and I’ll show you a loser.”
  • “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.”

Vince Lombardi died in 1970 at age 57.

Eddie Gaedel

… was born on this date in 1925. The 3-feet 7-inch Gaedel came to bat for the St. Louis Browns in 1951. He was, according to Browns owner Bill Veeck, “the best darn midget who ever played big-league ball.”

Read about Gaedel’s time at the plate, told as the first chapter of Veeck’s autobiography, Veeck as in Wreck — “When Eddie went into that crouch, his strike zone was just about visible to the naked eye. I picked up a ruler and measured it for posterity. It was 1½ inches. Marvelous.”

The Greatest Athlete of the First Half of the 20th Century

… was born near Prague, Oklahoma, on this date in 1888. His Sac and Fox given name was Wa-Tho-Huk (Bright Path). We know him as Jim Thorpe.

Thorpe was named by ESPN as the 7th greatest athlete of the 20th century (after Jordan, Ruth, Ali, Brown, Gretsky and Owens). Read the biographical essay, Thorpe preceded Deion, Bo.

A couple of items from the biography:

  • Thorpe won both the decathlon and the pentathlon at the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm. Swedish King Gustav V told him, “Sir, you are the greatest athlete in the world.” Thorpe reputedly replied, “Thanks, king.”
  • Jim Thorpe was a twin. His brother Charles died of pneumonia at age 8.

It’s the birthday

… of Ian McKellen. Gandalf and Sir Leigh Teabing is 67 today. McKellen has been nominated for two Oscars, one each for best actor and best supporting actor.

… of Frank Oz. The voice of Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Cookie Monster, Bert, Grover, Yoda and so many more, is 62 today.

… of Mike Myers. Austin Powers and Shrek is 43.

Miles Davis was born on this date in 1926. The web site for JAZZ A Film By Ken Burns has a brief introduction to Miles Davis.

Babe Ruth hit the 714th (and last) home run of his career on this date in 1935.