What Republicans Call ‘Spin’ the Rest of The World Calls ‘Lies’

An excerpt from Bob Geiger writing at The Huffington Post:

[Last winter my nine-year old son] told me the night before that he heard from one of the teachers that, because of the magnitude of the expected storm, classes had been called off in advance for the next day. We found out later that night that this information was incorrect, that a preemptive snow-day had not been called and my little boy promptly apologized for “lying.”

I asked at the time if he knew that a snow-day had really not been called and, when he replied that he really did believe his information was correct, I explained that he had simply been mistaken and that he had not lied. If he had found out at 6:00 PM that his information was wrong, I said to him, telling me at 7:00 PM that school had already been canceled would indeed have been a lie.

My little boy understands and acknowledges that obvious distinction — Republicans do not.

As if we need more evidence of this, Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman sent out an e-mail blast yesterday lashing John Kerry for allegedly insulting America’s military personnel.

“Listen closely this election season and you’ll hear the truth about what Democrats represent,” wrote Mehlman. “Monday, failed Presidential candidate John Kerry brazenly insulted the brave American men and women serving in our military. In Kerry’s cocoon of privilege, those who serve in our military are failures who never did their homework or ‘made an effort to be smart.'”

Our troops deserve to be honored, not insulted by the likes of John Kerry.”

Mehlman ended his deceptive pitch by getting down to brass tacks and saying “We need you now to keep the John Kerry Democrats out of power.”

By any sensible person’s definition — and what an average grade-school child would understand — is that this was a lie. Ken Mehlman knew when he released this e-mail that John Kerry had not “brazenly insulted the brave American men and women serving in our military.” He knew from a comparison of the prepared text and how Kerry bungled the joke he intended to tell that it was meant for Mehlman’s master, George W. Bush, and not the troops in Iraq and that there was certainly nothing brazen about it.

He knew all of that as a matter of fact, in addition to knowing that, unlike the vast majority of the Republican leadership, John Kerry is a highly-decorated Veteran, who has always fought for America’s Vets and active-duty military and would never lob such disrespect their way.

But Mehlman said it anyway. He knew at 1:00 PM that what he was writing was a lie. But he sent the e-mail at 2:00 PM anyway.

Troops respond to Kerry’s attempt to be amusing

Halp Us Jon Carry

What Kerry said: “You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

What Kerry intended to say (his prepared remarks): “Do you know where you end up if you don’t study, if you aren’t smart, if you’re intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq. Just ask President Bush.”

What Kerry should have said:

Kerry’s formal apology. Well done. More class over one misstatement than the White House has shown over 2,800 American combat deaths.

The polls are moving

Big changes this morning in polling for next Tuesday’s election. NewMexiKen remains pessimistic, but …

Anyway, I thought I’d repost this.

Oh, and according to reports, none other William Jefferson Clinton will be in Albuquerque tomorrow to campaign for Patricia Madrid, the Democratic candidate in NewMexiKen’s congressional district. I suspect he was just overdue for some good New Mexican cuisine.

Click for www.electoral-vote.com Click for www.electoral-vote.com

The Senate is currently 55 Rep, 45 Dem (counting the independent Jeffords as a Democrat). There are 33 Senate seats in this election.

The House is currently 231 Rep, 202 Dem (counting the independent Sanders as a Democrat). There are two vacancies.

The predictions above, from electoral-vote.com, may change as new polls are analyzed.

In Case You’ve Wondered

This ad for Missouri U.S. Senate candidate Claire McCaskill with Michael J. Fox has caused an outpouring of disgusting drivel from medical experts such as Rush Limbaugh:

“He is exaggerating the effects of the disease,” Limbaugh told listeners. “He’s moving all around and shaking and it’s purely an act. . . . This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn’t take his medication or he’s acting.”

You decide whether Fox is sincere.

Some Like It Hot

At Whiskey Bar, Billmon begins a discussion of legal antics possible after the voting with this:

When it comes to elections in this country, we definitely have an ample selection of paranoia levels to choose from, starting with: “Isn’t it funny how so many computer glitches seem to favor the party in power?” and ending, or at least I hope, with: “Mr. Diebold’s fleet of black helicopters is going to elect Elvis the king of the universe!”

I tend towards the mild, not the habanero, variety myself — I’m always suspicious about hanky panky, particularly at the county and city level, and definitely worried about the accuracy and reliability of paperless black boxes, but I’m very skeptical of massive, national conspiracies designed to keep Karl Rove in power until doomsday. (Although if he stays in power much longer, doomsday may not be far away.)

He continues with a long, intriguing scenario.

Best line of the day, so far

Many frantic Republican lawmakers are also running against themselves, either reneging on their support for the war they started, or railing against Washington, the town they absolutely control, claiming that the capital has forgotten their values, or making ads denouncing the Democrats’ “homosexual agenda,” even though Republicans are now the party of gay scandal.

It’s a hilarious spectacle of a whole party re-enacting the classic scene in Mel Brooks’s “Blazing Saddles,” in which the sheriff holds the gun to his own head to take himself hostage.

Maureen Dowd

Best line for today from two years ago, so far

“I’ve been deeply disappointed. They’re fundamentally decent human beings, but you couldn’t tell it by their campaigns.”

Albuquerque Tribune editor Kate Nelson commenting on the negative campaigning for Congress in NewMexiKen’s district, as quoted by Joe Monahan.

That was 2004. It’s worse this time.

Runner-up, also first posted two years ago:

“These are not arguments. They are rhetorical drive-by shootings.”

— Harvard Law Professor Laurence H. Tribe writing in a review of The People Themselves.

No One Pays Any Attention to Me

… but with all the issues, with all the polarization in this country, if you can’t run on the issues, incumbent or challenger, you are unfit for public office in the first place.

And the same for your supporters.

It’s as simple as this:

I support the President on the war in Iraq.
I don’t support the President on the war in Iraq.

I support the President on warrantless wire-tapping.
I am opposed to warrantless wire-tapping.

I believe the President needs the power to hold “enemy combatants” without legal recourse.
I believe every person is entitled to the constitutional rights of habeas corpus and due process.

I think we are over-taxed.
I think huge government deficits are a tax on our children and grandchildren.

I believe Social Security should be replaced with personal investment accounts.
I believe Social Security should be maintained and financially strengthened.

Like the rest of us, politicians have issues, take short-cuts, and sometimes lie, cheat and steal.

Who cares? Keep your eye on the ball. More than 70 fine young Americans have died in Iraq so far this month!

NewMexiKen will be back Tuesday.

Another Reason I Remain Pessimistic about Change in Washington

[Bush] won 255 districts in 2004, or almost 59 percent, while winning around 51 percent of the vote (slightly higher if the calculation excludes Ralph Nader’s 1 percent). In other words, House districts are now drawn so that an evenly divided country can produce surprisingly lopsided GOP victories. …

The mismatch between popular votes and electoral outcomes is even more striking in the Senate. Combining the last three Senate elections, Democrats have actually won two-and-a-half million more votes than Republicans. Yet they now hold only 44 seats in that 100-person chamber because Republicans dominate the less populous states that are so heavily over-represented in the Senate. As the journalist Hendrik Hertzberg notes, if one treats each senator as representing half that state’s population, then the Senate’s 55 Republicans currently represent 131 million people, while the 44 Democrats represent 161 million.

— As excerpted at Daily Howler from Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson’s Off Center.

26 Days to Go

Three more pieces of mail today supporting my Congressional representative’s reelection — one from the National Association of Realtors, one from The Seniors Coalition, and one from the Republican Party of New Mexico.

The piece from the GOP doesn’t even mention their candidate — it’s totally an attack on the challenger.

Keep spending that money on me guys.

I’d Vote Today If It Meant the Political Junk Mail Would Stop

NewMexiKen caught up on the mail yesterday — ten days worth all at once (including a bunch that belonged to the folks next door, stuck in with mine).

Among the 90% or so of the mail that was junk were nine mailings (in ten days) concerning my congressional race (NM-1). Each was expensively printed on over-sized card stock. Even the realtors don’t print such fancy mailers.

The race here is between the incumbent, Republican Heather Wilson, and the Democratic challenger, current New Mexico Attorney General Patricia Madrid. It’s considered a bellwether contest in the national congressional picture, as Wilson has been a supporter of President Bush on most issues including Iraq. Current polls show Madrid with a lead.

We can vote in New Mexico beginning today (four weeks before “election day”). For now, it’s just at the county clerk’s office, but starting the 21st there are a number of locations. Here’s the details: Bernalillo County Early Voting Locations.

Like pigs in mud, the pundit corps rediscovers the Joy of Sex

Daily Howler is a must read today for an insightful look at the current situation and modern American political theater.


Now, here comes the part which is apparently too complex for large numbers of us liberals to grasp. When we ourselves insist on repeating these themes, we continue to spread the unhelpful idea that Al Gore is a big fucking joke. This helps degrade Gore’s public image—and it helps degrade the public image of Major Dem Leaders as a whole. Beyond that, it helps explain why Gore, not being completely crazy, almost surely won’t run for the White House again. After all, if this is the way his supporters portray him, how could he expect to be portrayed by the RNC and the mainstream press corps? The sheer absurdity of this matter simply boggles the mind.

A couple of other things:

The Democrats may be better this time at getting out the votes, but the Republicans will still be better at counting them.

And, for the record, Monica Lewinsky was 22 when she met Clinton.