Best simple answer today, so far

Everybody’s asking today, “Why are the Republican front runners skipping all the debates sponsored by racial and ethnic minorities? That just doesn’t seem smart.” I think people just don’t want to admit the obvious:

The Republicans are the party of racists.


Meanwhile the Democrats are the party of idiots.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday that every child born in the United States should get a $5,000 “baby bond” from the government to help pay for future costs of college or buying a home.

The Associated Press

Let’s borrow even more money — but this time we’ll give it to the poor saps that have to pay it back, the newborns. As Functional Ambivalent points out, what has she been smoking?

What an ass

Hanna Rosin in The Atlantic a year ago:

In Iowa, Giuliani was up to principle No. 2 (“Follow your hopes and dreams”) when he was interrupted. From down in the audience, just beyond the stage, he heard a cell phone ring. He stopped in the middle of telling a story. “It’s okay, you can answer your cell phone,” he said. “You won’t interrupt me.” The woman whose phone had rung was mortified; he had just embarrassed her in front of 18,000 people. In the “town hall” meetings he used to conduct as mayor of New York, through a radio show, Giuliani was not known for his good-natured populism. He was known for making fun of constituents who called him with what he thought were petty problems. This is the dark Giuliani, and here he was, making an unwelcome appearance. He shifted to a long digression about the scene in Dr. Strangelove where General Buck Turgidson answers a call in the middle of a crisis and whispers sweet nothings to his girl on the phone, as the nation’s political and military leadership looks on impatiently. “Just tell him you love him so I can go on with my speech,” Giuliani said. No one was laughing. Giuliani actually waited for the woman to hang up. Then, after a painful minute or so, he was back in candidate mode, talking about Vince Lombardi and the mind of a champion.

CNN report last week:

WASHINGTON (CNN) – When former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani gets a call from his wife Judith he takes it, even if it happens in the middle of a speech to hundreds of people.

The New York Republican presidential hopeful was delivering a speech to the National Rifle Association Friday in Washington when his cell phone began to ring. He was in the middle of discussing the importance of the 2nd amendment.

“Let’s see now, this is my wife calling, I think,” he said as he answered the phone.

“Hello dear, I am talking to the members of the NRA right now, would you like to say hello?,” he asked, as the crowd sat mostly silent.

She apparently did not.

“I love you and I will give you a call when I am finished, OK,” he said, trying to wrap up the call. “Have a safe trip, talk to you later dear I love you.”

Getting Bluer

Latest poll of New Mexicans:

Approve Domenici — 41%
Approve Bingaman — 58%

SurveyUSA News Poll

Bingaman voted against the Kyl-Lieberman amendment today (one of 22) — you don’t even need to know what it’s about to know with Kyl and Lieberman supporting it, it’s bad. Domenici, of course, voted for it. (The amendment endorses war with Iran.)

Bingaman also voted against the anti-free speech Petraeus resolution last week (one of 25). Domenici, of course, voted for it.

Bubba Isn’t Who You Think

What this reflects, in turn, is the odd fact that income levels seem to matter much more for voting in the South. Contrary to what you may have read, the old-fashioned notion that rich people vote Republican, while poorer people vote Democratic, is as true as ever – in fact, more true than it was a generation ago. But in rich states like New Jersey or Connecticut, the relationship is weak; even the very well off tend to be only slightly more Republican than working-class voters. In the poorer South, however, the relationship is very strong indeed.

Paul Krugman

The political party may have changed, but I think that class distinction in the South is pretty consistent with history.

Tough and Smart

Views of Hillary Clinton are more sharply drawn than those of other leading candidates in either political party. As many as 67% of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters say Clinton is the Democratic candidate who first comes to mind when they hear the word tough and more than half (52%) associate Clinton with the word smart. No other candidate – Democrat or Republican – comes close to Clinton in being linked with each of these traits.

The Pew Research Center has all the details.

I wonder if Senator Clinton is afraid of horses.

Selling Your Freedom, One Tax Cut at a Time

Functional Ambivalent posted this a year ago and I linked to it then. It resonated with me again today as I reviewed past entries. You should still go read Tom’s whole post, but here’s the essence:

If you’re a libertarian and you vote Republican because you like lower taxes, you’re empowering people who would ban books, set up a huge federal broadcast censorship aparatus, give the President the power to arrest and imprison without evidence or appeal, and empower everyone in the medical supply chain to decide who gets treatment based on their own standard of moral worthiness. You’re almost literally selling your freedoms for a few dollars in after-tax income. That’s what you vote for every time you vote Republican.

Best line of the day, so far

“You show me someone who doesn’t have skeletons in their closet. That person is a saint.”

— Albuquerque City Council candidate Paulette de’Pascal after it was revealed the B.S. and M.B.A. degrees she claimed on a candidate’s questionnaire were from the unaccredited online Almeda University. Tuesday de’Pascal acknowledged that she never took any classes for either degree.

Misrepresenting your education isn’t a “skeleton in your closet.” It isn’t even about your education. It’s about lying.

Going After Gore

Vanity Fair has an article by Evgenia Peretz, Going After Gore. Here’s the summary:

Al Gore couldn’t believe his eyes: as the 2000 election heated up, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other top news outlets kept going after him, with misquotes (“I invented the Internet”), distortions (that he lied about being the inspiration for Love Story), and strangely off-the-mark needling, while pundits such as Maureen Dowd appeared to be charmed by his rival, George W. Bush. For the first time, Gore and his family talk about the effect of the press attacks on his campaign—and about his future plans—to the author, who finds that many in the media are re-assessing their 2000 coverage.

Early in the article, which Bob Somerby has recommended, is this:

How does he feel about it all? “I feel fine,” [Gore] says, “but, when I say that, I’m reminded of a story that Cousin Minnie Pearl used to tell about a farmer who was involved in an accident and sued for damages.” To paraphrase, at the trial the lawyer for the driver of the other car cross-examined the farmer, saying, “Isn’t it true that right after the accident, you said, ‘I feel fine’?” The farmer said, “Well, it’s not [that] simple,” before going on to explain that the other car rammed into him, throwing both him and his cow from his car. When a highway patrolman came by and saw the cow struggling, he shot him between the eyes. The farmer continued, “The patrolman then came to my side and said, ‘How do you feel?’… so I said, ‘I feel fine.'”

Hullabaloo has some good commentary on all this.

And New Mexico has three!

The 22 Most Corrupt Members of Congress (and two to watch) according to Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

Members of the Senate:
Sen. Pete V. Domenici (R-NM)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK)

Members of House:
Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA)
Rep. John T. Doolittle (R-CA)
Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL)
Rep. Doc Hastings (R-WA)
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA)
Rep. William J. Jefferson (D-LA)
Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA)
Rep. Gary G. Miller (R-CA)
Rep. Alan B. Mollohan (D-WV)
Rep. Timothy F. Murphy (R-PA)
Rep. John P. Murtha (D-PA)
Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM)
Rep. Rick Renzi (R-AZ)
Rep. Harold Rogers (R-KY)
Rep. David Scott (D-GA)
Rep. Don Young (R-AK)
Rep. Jerry Weller (R-IL)
Rep. Heather A. Wilson (R-NM)

Dishonorable Mention:
Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID)
Sen. David Vitter (R-LA)

Here’s the goods on each.

Land of the Free — Well, Except Celebrities

(CBS) Americans are divided as to whether Hollywood celebrities ought to get involved in politics, a new CBS News/New York Times poll finds.

Forty-nine percent of those surveyed say celebrities should stay out of politics, while 46 percent think they should get involved if they choose.

Democrats and liberals are much more welcoming of celebrity involvement in politics than Republicans and conservatives. Sixty-nine percent of Republicans said celebrities should stay out of politics, compared to just 33 percent of Democrats.

CBS News

NewMexiKen realizes that “should stay out” isn’t the same as “must stay out,” and who knows how the polling question was worded, but don’t celebrities have the same rights — obligations — as other citizens?

Fred Thompson Fears Presidential Run Will Typecast Him As Politician

WASHINGTON, DC—Veteran character actor and Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson expressed worries to reporters Tuesday that a successful White House bid could spell “total career death.”

Recent polls have placed Thompson among the GOP frontrunners, with many voters citing the value of his experience as U.S. president in the 2005 docudrama Last Best Chance.

The Onion – America’s Finest News Source

English, the official language of presidential debates, too

In the debate, held at the University of Miami, the candidates’ responses were simultaneously translated into Spanish for the broadcast.

Richardson, one of two candidate[s] who speak fluent Spanish, objected to the debate rules that required all candidates to answer in English. The rule was designed to make sure that no candidate had an advantage in appealing to the Spanish-speaking audience.

AP via Guardian Unlimited.

The debate was organized by Univision, the Spanish language network. Aren’t debates intended for candidates to show their advantages? It’s an election, not a quiz show, right?

Truckling to the Bible-bangers

Charles Pierce thinks maybe Senator Clinton is “truckling to the Bible-bangers, publicly haranguing us with [her] ‘faith journeys.'”

The “values voters” have been marinating in their own faith-based fear, faith-based bigotry, and solipsistic Personal Lords And Saviors for so long that it’s going to take a decade of deprogramming before they get within shouting distance of normal. They will vote the other way, if they ever vote the other way, because their personal economics get so dire, or because enough of their children get thrown away in a petulant president’s ongoing tantrum of a war, that no amount of eschatological dumbshow can distract them any longer. In other words, they will take political action as political actors. Period. All the prayerful filigree will fall away, and blessed human self-interest will once again rule the day. Until that great gettin’-up mornin’, the primary religious political power in this country comes from the Right, and that’s not going to change any time soon. Jesus Christ, Hillary. (You should pardon the expression.) These people are nuttier than a Christmas fruitcake. Why not just take a couple of million from the Scientologists and be done with it?

Pierce adds, “[I]f Senator Clinton is completely sincere in her attachment to this particular big ship of fools, I wouldn’t vote for her if she were running against a ticket of George Steinbrenner and Ann Coulter. However, if she’s just using this as a cynical political ploy, she’s my gal.”

Here’s his link for background from Mother Jones: Hillary’s Prayer: Hillary Clinton’s Religion and Politics.

All Uptight, All the Time

Sioux City, Ia. – God’s will is for Iowa to have the first-in-the-nation caucus, Democratic presidential candidate Bill Richardson told a crowd here Monday.

“Iowa, for good reason, for constitutional reasons, for reasons related to the Lord, should be the first caucus and primary,” Richardson, New Mexico’s governor, said at the Northwest Iowa Labor Council Picnic. “And I want you to know who was the first candidate to sign a pledge not to campaign anywhere if they got ahead of Iowa. It was Bill Richardson.”

Des Moines Register

The way-too-serious crowd, especially the left bloggers, have nary a clue about Richardson. He has, it is true, put his foot in his mouth, but this is so obviously a joke, how could anybody but the terminally serious not enjoy the show?

Best line of the day, so far

All the major Democratic candidates say they are eager to end this war, and they all say they don’t believe there is a military solution in Iraq. Why, then, do they maintain that we must leave an indefinite number of troops behind for an indeterminate amount of time to work hopelessly towards a military solution everyone says doesn’t exist?

It is time to get a straight answer from all the other candidates: how many troops would you leave behind? For how long?

Bill Richardson for President

Another example of how our public discourse is worthless

Among others, former governors Huckabee and and Romney are advocating the “Fair Tax,” which is pretty much Steve Forbes’s “Flat Tax” renamed. It would, according to them, and according to commentators such as George Stephanopoulos, “eliminate all those [federal taxes], and replace it with a 23 percent sales tax.”

That is, it would be a national sales tax that replaces the federal income tax and some other taxes, like that pesky “death tax.”


Want to know how they get that figure?

According to Bruce Bartlett, a deputy assistant secretary of the Treasury for economic policy under Reagan and Bush I, writing in The Wall Street Journal, the actual rate in the proposal is 30%.

Say something costs a dollar. You will pay (not counting state sales tax) $1.30.

But, you see, 30 cents is only 23% of $1.30. So they call it a 23% “Fair Tax.”

That is intellectual dishonesty at a level that just leaves me aghast.

(Not to even get into the fact that the proposal would tack the 30% on everything — new houses, tanks and airplanes the government buys, school buses and school books, new cars, clothes, food, medical care!

I gleaned all this from the Daily Howler.