Line of the day

“A presidential term is 48 months; that the political media is transfixed by campaign coverage for 18 months every cycle means that a President can wield power with substantially reduced media attention for mor[e] than 1/3 of his term.  Thus, he can wage a blatantly illegal war in Libya for months on end, work to keep U.S. troops in Iraq past his repeatedly touted deadline, scheme to cut Social Security and Medicare as wealth inequality explodes and thereby please the oligarchical base funding his campaign, use black sites in Somalia to interrogate Terrorist suspects, all while his Party’s Chairwoman works literally to destroy Internet privacy — all with virtually no attention paid.”

Glenn Greenwald

It’s a provocative piece about the election cycle and our meaningless choices.

Hope and Change — Not

Barack Obama’s aides and advisers are preparing to center the president’s reelection campaign on a ferocious personal assault on Mitt Romney’s character and business background, a strategy grounded in the early stage expectation that the former Massachusetts governor is the likely GOP nominee.

The dramatic and unabashedly negative turn is the product of political reality. Obama remains personally popular, but pluralities in recent polling disapprove of his handling of his job and Americans fear the country is on the wrong track. His aides are increasingly resigned to running for reelection in a glum nation. And so the candidate who ran on “hope” in 2008 has little choice four years later but to run a slashing, personal campaign aimed at disqualifying his likeliest opponent.

Above the beginning of a report from Ben Smith and Jonathan Martin at

Did You Vote for Divided Government?

Voters don’t choose divided government. It’s chosen for them by a system, unique in the democratic world, of multiple overlapping elections held at different intervals in which different electorates fill different offices, none of whose occupants have ultimate responsibility. The electorate of 2008 chose Obama and the Democrats. The electorate of 2010—consisting mainly of McCain voters, and smaller by forty-five million—chose the Republicans. Hardly anybody voted as they did out of a desire for “divided government,” as opposed to a desire for a government that would embody their own political and ideological leanings.

Hendrik Hertzberg, from a brief blog post.

The Democrats’ Richard Nixon?

… Although Republicans routinely accuse him of being a socialist, an honest examination of his presidency must conclude that he has in fact been moderately conservative to exactly the same degree that Nixon was moderately liberal.

Here are a few examples of Obama’s effective conservatism:

  • His stimulus bill was half the size that his advisers thought necessary;
  • He continued Bush’s war and national security policies without change and even retained Bush’s defense secretary;
  • He put forward a health plan almost identical to those that had been supported by Republicans such as Mitt Romney in the recent past, pointedly rejecting the single-payer option favored by liberals;
  • He caved to conservative demands that the Bush tax cuts be extended without getting any quid pro quo whatsoever;
  • And in the past few weeks he has supported deficit reductions that go far beyond those offered by Republicans.

Bruce Bartlett, The Fiscal Times


At a press conference in Los Alamos just now Senator Tom Udall said, “New Mexicans pull together in hard times.”

Yes, Senator, we are so unlike those no-good folks in the other 49 states. Geez.

The Senator also reminded tourists everywhere that New Mexico is “still open for business.”

As long as you aren’t looking for fresh air during your visit.

Senator Udall, I respect you and voted for you, but did you really need to be here for platitude time?

Line of the day

“But if I wanted to make a case that our system really has become pathologically trivializing and self-defeating — and that our problems, theoretically correctable, may be beyond our powers to address …”

James Fallows introducing “What’s Wrong with America, Chapter 817: Sen. Richard Shelby.” Want to be even more disgusted? Follow the link.

Most ignorant line of the day

“My position many, many months ago when I wrote an op-ed for one of the major national newspapers was this. President Obama was setting up this false choice between default and raising the debt ceiling. And at least for a while, you can take away that false choice by ordering the Treasury to pay the obligations to outside creditors first, and there’s enough cash flow to do that for quite some time.”

Tim Pawlenty today on “This Week” via ABC News

Even an off-the-cuff remark this displays just colossal ignorance. What in god’s name is an “outside” creditor?

Line of the day

“A plurality of Republican voters, 47 percent, said they believed Mr. Obama, who was born in Hawaii, was born in another country; 22 percent said they did not know where he was born, and 32 percent said they believed he was born in the United States.”

Poll Finds Few Favorites as G.O.P. Fight for President Gels –

So, put another way, two-thirds of Republican voters, based on this poll, are ignorant or stupid. Or perhaps, ignorant and stupid.

Facebook a top cause of relationship trouble

When Facebook gets involved, relationships can quickly fall apart – as Hosni Mubarak and Muammar Gaddafi have discovered. But dictatorships are not the only ties being dissolved by social networking sites: now Facebook is increasingly being blamed for undermining American marriages.

Even though the rate of divorce in the US has remained largely stable in recent years, American divorce lawyers and academics have joined Middle East analysts in picking out Facebook as a leading cause of relationship trouble, with American lawyers now demanding to see their clients’ Facebook pages as a matter of course before the start of proceedings.

The Guardian

There’s more.

More from the Huckster

Now Huckabee is going for a trifecta: “HUCK RIPS PORTMAN’S PREGNANCY” is the headline at Politico. It seems Huckabee has gone on yet another right-wing radio show to accuse Natalie Portman, who is expecting a baby with her fiancé, of being among those who “glorify and glamorize the idea of out-of-wedlock children.”

Huckabee has not extended his disapproval of bastardy and its enablers to Sarah Palin, mother of Bristol and grandmother of little Tripp. Perhaps it is a question of worker solidarity with a fellow toiler in the Fox News sweatshop. That seems more probable than that it’s simply because the Palins are Christians, whereas the Portmans, er, aren’t.

Hendrik Hertzberg : The New Yorker


“Huckabee was never an entirely plausible candidate for President–could we actually ever elect a man who has his doubts about evolution? whose comments about Israel seemed to indicate a literal interpretation of the Bible and the Rapture myth?–but he always struck me as a good guy, more concerned about working-class America than most of his rivals. These comments, however, and his subsequent lie that he really meant Indonesia not Kenya, really show a demented, perverse sensibility, and they demonstrate some of the ugliness at the heart of Obama hatred.”

Joe Klein

What Huckabee said:

“If you think about it, his perspective as growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather, their view of the Mau Mau Revolution in Kenya is very different than ours because he probably grew up hearing that the British were a bunch of imperialists who persecuted his grandfather.”

Stupid is as stupid does

Why do we keep electing the worst among us to public office?

He said he was 39; he’s 46.

He said he was a lobbyist; he was a Member of Congress.

He said, “Sorry. Its all I had,” when the woman asked if he always sent shirtless photos of himself.

(It’s a cellphone photo taken in a mirror. You can see the phone in the photo. He could have put a shirt on and taken the same photo.)

But the lameness of that excuse isn’t what makes me wonder why we elect reprobates.

And it’s not the lying.

It’s not even the presumed attempt at adultery.

What bothers me most is that he left the apostrophe out of “it’s.”

Photo from Gawker.