
NewMexiKen figures there must be a big spike in egg sales this week, what with the Easter egg thing and all. How exactly does that work? I mean, it’s not as if chickens can work overtime.

Or can they?

Finally, the big time

From Popcultablog* Where the Culture Goes Pop

Hey when you’re hot you’re hot. Scarlett Johansson has already had box office and critical success beyond her years. First she played opposite Bill Murray in Lost in Translation, then she co-starred with Colin Firth in Girl with a Pearl Earring. Not enough for a nineteen year-old? Well this ought to do it. Her next major role will be opposite Jeffrey Tamboor as the voice of Mindy in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.

Rude, crude and socially unacceptable

This item (and the two just below) are from Dave Barry’s Blog.

OK, I have a question, based on something that happened to me yesterday.

I was at a tennis tournament, and I went to get some pizza for my daughter. There were three people ahead of me in line for pizza: a guy at the front of the line, and two women together behind him. So the guy at the front of the line — we’ll call him Guy A — turns around and sees that he knows the guy behind me — Guy B — and tells him to come to the front of the line.

Guy B is reluctant, because he realizes it might be rude. So Guy A says to the women behind him, “Do you mind?” They say no.

I say nothing.

So Guy A says to Guy B, “Come on! They (meaning the two women) don’t mind.” Then, looking at me, he says: “HE minds, but he’s not saying anything.” Which was correct: I minded.

So Guy B goes to the front of the line.

Continue reading.

Dave has a similar manners question today.

Where do Peeps come from?

From Salon Lisa Gidley tells all about Peeps, including this excerpt:

People don’t just eat Peeps. They take pictures of them. They make crafts with them. They write songs about them. They put them on wreaths. They put them on pizza. They create parody porn Web sites for them. And some curious souls devote countless hours to Peep research, testing the effects of everything from heat to liquid nitrogen on the hardy little fertility symbols.

What is it about Peeps that inspires such passion? Is it their expressions, as winsome as a kitten offering you its paw? Maybe. But hollow chocolate rabbits are cute, too, and nobody writes loving odes to them. Is it their long-standing association with Easter? Perhaps; the Just Born company has been putting Peeps in Easter baskets since 1953. But Cadbury eggs have the holiday-icon thing going on too, and nobody builds little dioramas for them to live in.

Maybe it’s the pure sugar rush that ensues five seconds after you pop a Peep in your mouth. Some folks find it blissful; others shudder in disgust at the mere thought. Arguably, though, those marshmallow Circus Peanuts provide the same result. And, safe to say, nobody devotes parody porn sites to them.

Read more.

Glofish: the civil rights struggle of the 21st century

Fafblog! the whole worlds only source for Fafblog brings us up to date on glofish. He begins:

It has been a while since we have had a glofish update and for that I apologize. But who else is updating you on the struggle to Free Glofish? Not quote-unquote libertarian Eugene Volokh. Not Calpundit who is Californian and has ignored the glofish controversy engulfing his state. In the blogoverse only Fafblog is promisin to bring you fast-coming updates on this enfolding crisis of civil liberties. Fast-coming updates every couple months.

Be silly. Read more.

NewMexiKen saw this somewhere else but only decided you needed the glofish update after seeing reference to it again at Brad DeLong’s Semi-Daily Journal.