NewMexiKen bought a bag of birdseed last month. Most mornings for a few weeks I’d spread some around the back patio. While I sat here amusing and informing my seven readers, I’d watch the birds come and eat the seed, fight with each other — you know, the whole bird nation dynamic.
The seed ran out and I haven’t gotten any more. The jays came by a few times and gave me some crap about there being no seed, and the doves still come around with a mournful look wondering what happened. (Get it? Mourning doves, mournful look. Damn, I can be so clever.)
Anyway, I think I read once that if you start to feed birds you take on some sort of obligation to be consistent because they become dependent. I assumed that wasn’t true this time of year, but is it? If I buy another bag of seed and train the birds to come by again, am I under some sort of ethical obligation to keep it up? Is it just a seasonal thing? What about when I go away? Do I have to take 50 or a 100 birds to the pet hotel?
Oh, and there’s the whole thing about identifying birds. I think bird watching and life-lists are a hoax. I can’t differentiate among the run-of-the-mill little birds. You seen one sparrow, you’ve seen ’em all if you ask me.
(But I did buy a field guide to Birds of New Mexico