“Twelve of the league’s 32 franchises reportedly have put in a call to Manning’s reps.” http://t.co/auDGXVmK The Daily Fix
Author: NewMexiKen
Happy International Women’s Da…
Happy International Women’s Day http://t.co/yRHkUhSa
11 of his 20 baby teeth had c…
“11 of his 20 baby teeth had cavities.” Rise in Preschool Cavities Prompts Anesthesia Use http://t.co/i4dAc7tf
Dogging Mitt Romney http://t…
“Dogging Mitt Romney” http://t.co/TpFRVb7s Gail Collins writes about Seamus’s trip to Canada on top of the Romney station wagon.
John McPhee is 81 today. He ra…
John McPhee is 81 today. He rarely writes more than 500 words a day. It adds up. He’s published more than 25 books.
The February Revolution began …
The February Revolution began in Russia 95 years ago today. They were still using the Julian Calendar; Mar 8 elsewhere was Feb 23 in Russia.
NewMexiKen Tweets
- Photo of the day, no longer a Colt. http://t.co/363ZsyL3 #
- “@apod: Conjunction Over Reunion Island : http://t.co/7H6A80di”
Pretty one from Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD). # - Posnanski always gets me to think something in a new way — baseball, the DH, sports and Dennis Kucinich. http://t.co/IEGpGZAE #
- Three of the Virginia Sweeties played basketball this winter. And 3 of the 3 made their league all-star team. It's in their DNA. Ha! #
- Franco Harris is 62 and Lynn Swann 60. It ought to be a holiday in Pittsburgh. #
- "the self-righteous parade out the door by Limbaugh’s advertisers is hard to stomach. Had they never listened…before…?" http://t.co/rl9CI2b6 #
- Southwest Passenger: I Was Detained For 10 Hours Over Nail Polish Squabble http://j.mp/ynl1Li IMHO they should have throw her out the door. #
- "Your Favorite Team Doesn't Give a Damn About You" http://j.mp/ynrBrm A tacky story, but funny and true all the same. From Sh*t My Dad Says. #
- Southwest Passenger: I Was Detained For 10 Hours Over Nail Polish Squabble http://t.co/wchyoYLS They should have thrown her out the door. #
- "I figure that Rush’s average listener is so dumb that it takes them 2 hours to watch 60 minutes…" Juanita http://t.co/p0p9Qwsi #
- Least we forget the decades of enablers. “It’s an honor to be here, Rush. Thank you very much.” Tim Russert (2004) http://t.co/P16xXBPE #
- Did my U.S. Senator just tweet "Me and Jeff"? Uh, shouldn't that be Jeff and I, Senator? But good for calling for U.S. troops out of Afghan. #
- It's 62° right now. The forecast is for an inch of snow in the morning. March! #
NewMexiKen Tweets
- Sometimes when I’m looking for something to do, I sit in the car and adjust the reclining power seats and play visit to the dentist. #
- Remember the Alamo? It fell to Mexican forces 176 years ago today. #
- It ought to be a national holiday – Bob Wills was born on March 6th in 1905. Wills is in both the Country and Rock & Roll halls of fame. #
- But when you cross that ole Red River, hoss, that just don’t mean a thing,
‘Cause once you’re down in Texas,
Bob Wills is still the King. # - It's the birthday of Rob Reiner; "Meathead" is 65. And Shaq is really getting up there; Shaquille O'Neal is 40. #
- Best Romney photo-op ever. http://t.co/0tqQmDdB #
- "Next to Tribe With Alcohol Ban, a Hub of Beer" http://t.co/Yav8qNrs 45,000 residents, 20,000 alcohol-related arrests last year. #
- Andrew Stanton: The clues to a great story http://t.co/WtRA5R0V A 19-minute TED from the Pixar guy. Great stuff, but beware opening joke. #
- Wolves usually walk in single file. When courting the couple walk side-by-side. http://t.co/wtYiBXrj #
- Shakes Beer #englishmajordrinks #
- Dec. 17, 1970: “Roundup time on a ranch in New Mexico." http://t.co/okqeZvmJ Nice b&w photo from NY Times Lively Morgue. #
- Krugman likes Tinker, Tailor and The Civil Wars. Download their first live album free. Good interview, too. http://t.co/0o4Jg15N #
- "Why It Took So Long to Invent the Wheel" http://t.co/1OSDKfWF The wheel was easy. It's that axle thingy that was hard. #
- Sunset this evening. http://t.co/thRWvcDy #
- “@dangerousmeta: Bah. I was hoping for more. Still, not terrible: http://t.co/47tTYU0v” Still, deserving of a click. Nice! #
NewMexiKen Tweets
- This high school basketball announcer is so excited he breaks the sound barrier http://t.co/2t59e2yL Excitement at 1:27–so advance video. #
- "He might as well have suggested sending in the Luftwaffe to solve the eurozone crisis." Wolfgang Munchau via Krugman http://t.co/5K5tvGUS #
- "If the Titanic Didn't Sink, This Female Pilot Would Be a Lot More Famous" http://t.co/uzm5n83x” Ever heard of Harriet Quimby? #
- Newspapers studied are losing 7 dollars in print advertising for every dollar they gain in digital revenue. Pew http://t.co/MbVghYyn #
- Patsy Cline died in a plane crash March 5, 1963. She was 30. John Belushi was found dead from a drug overdose March 5, 1982. He was 33. #
- British regulars opened fire on a Boston crowd on March 5, 1770, killing five. It's called the Boston Massacre. http://t.co/90s7RSQh #
- Love this week's New Yorker cover. http://t.co/Kxc1EqZ0 #
- A tournament to determine The Wire's greatest character. http://t.co/MDhPwuye #
- Bounty Hunters http://t.co/ssrxNreZ Joe Posnanski with some provocative thoughts. And when do we cross the line from sport to gladiatorism? #
- Zombie Woman Climbs from Casket Six Days after She Died http://t.co/k0Y54fDD She's 95, so the clock is ticking anyway. #
- How To Wash Pants? Give Them To Your Woman, It's Her Job http://t.co/aFQV8AUG http://t.co/XvfJrTct #
- So many iPad 3s being shipped from China, air freight rates are up 20%. #
NewMexiKen Tweets
- NFL "like a racketeering conspiracy to commit felony assault and battery…to advance a shared business interest" http://t.co/ov5rkHRk #
- "We want life to look like our photo albums — a bunch of happy faces, editing out all the bad times." David Brooks http://t.co/6XBaxT8T #
- A fun look at presidential election in a conversation between David Brooks and Gail Collins. Some LOL moments. http://t.co/6XBaxT8T #
- Brilliant sun, cool breeze. March in ABQ. Good day to watch Lobos play Utes softball. 1-0 'Bos in 3rd. #
NewMexiKen Tweets
- Limbaugh calls young woman slut & prostitute. Prez calls to support her. Romney says "not language I'd have used." All you need to know. #
- In Positive Economic Sign, Republicans Starting to Say Obama Wasn’t Born in US Again http://t.co/lzkTbKxb #
NewMexiKen Tweets
- Home-Court Edge Begins With Ball http://t.co/4dMdtChL #
- The radio broadcast of Wilt Chamberlain's 100th point: http://t.co/VeaHjYat #
- Bill Simmons: Best Wire character of all time?
Pres. Obama: It's got to be Omar, right?
http://t.co/O7rnjOyN # - Ta-Nehisi Coates does the Breitbart obituary right. http://t.co/MlKCkxAL #
- I wore shorts yesterday. I was cold all day, but I wore shorts. Today, flannel shirt and warm socks. Spring. Gotta love it. #
- "Limbaugh has spent the last two days engaging in the kind of misogyny that ought to make decent people spit on him" http://t.co/ORWJuDy9 #
- For Biographers, Leaving Subjects Behind Is Hard http://t.co/X9YrUTrW Robert K. Massie on biographers and their best friend. Recommended. #
- RT @BorowitzReport: Other countries care for their mentally ill. We're not doing them any favors by giving them radio shows. #
NewMexiKen Tweets
- Senator Olympia Snowe is 65. At the end of her term she will have had the same job for 18 years. What's the big deal about her not running? #
- Risks: Diet Soft Drinks Linked to Heart Disease [& diabetes & hypertension & abdominal obesity] http://t.co/8FN66vMB #
- Diet Soda, the Silent Killer? http://t.co/W1P8Bld9 #
- Dull and boring states admitted to Union. Ohio became the 17th state on this date in 1803; Nebraska the 37th state on this date in 1867. #
- Anatomy of a Tear-Jerker http://t.co/5fWHtLZf Does Adele's "Someone Like You" move you to tears? There's a reason. #
- You realize don't you Maricopa County that your sheriff is insane? #
NewMexiKen Tweets
- “@geneweingarten: Today is Rossini's 220th birthday! Me and him and James Madison wrote this song together. http://t.co/jKk06Usu” Great! #
- The news stories about Tiger Woods joining the Navy Seals make it sound as if it was a country club. 70-80% of applicants fail the training. #
- Fun Google Doodle for Leap Day. http://t.co/kdCNXscq #
- How many February 29ths have there been during your life including today? Make a guess. Then do the math and see if you got it. #
- Leap of Faith http://t.co/7OUijhyH A little quick background on Leap Day. #
- SmugMug – Camera Awesome – http://t.co/yGC6z1fS This iOS photography app is getting praise. It's free, though with $ add-ons. #
- A sure sign of Spring: http://t.co/4Ec4Eq0x At Bat 2012 – http://t.co/KuFElOCl Hurrah, one app for all iOS devices. Free (with $ add-ons). #
- How to make Sudafed (hard to get) from meth (easily available). 🙂 http://t.co/Ec6xLP0P #
- Why Does the Sound of Running Water Make You Have to Pee? http://t.co/lrA3U9de #
Leap of Faith
Why do we have leap year anyway?
The regular calendar has 365 days, but it takes 365 days, five hours, 48 minutes and 45 seconds for the Earth to orbit the sun. That means the calendar falls behind the seasons 348.75 minutes every year.
Who cares if the calendar falls behind the seasons?
The people of Arizona and, until recently, parts of Indiana.
How does leap year fix it?
Every four years we are 1395 minutes behind (348.75 times four), so we add a day (1440 minutes).
Wait, 1395 doesn’t equal 1440, aren’t we adding 45 too many minutes?
You are wise beyond your years. Every 100 years (25 leap years times 45 minutes) there would be 1,125 minutes too many. Eliminating leap year every 100 years tips the balance back toward even. That’s why there wasn’t a leap day in 1700, 1800 or 1900 and won’t be in 2100. But we did have a leap year in 2000 (and will again in 2400) to tweak it back a bit the other way.
Does that do it?
No, even then the intelligent design is such that the calendar will be off by a day in a few thousand years. Nothing’s perfect.
NewMexiKen Tweets
- Earlier tweet re: Banker Leaves 1% Tip – it's bogus. #
- The Lively Morgue http://t.co/Czh1y7LE A collection of New York Times vintage photos. #
- 151 yrs ago today Congress created Territory of Colorado & stole the Rio Grande headwaters, San Luis Valley, 9 14ers & more from New Mexico. #
- In the House version of the Colorado Territory bill, the new territory was called Idaho. The Senate changed it to Colorado. #
- New Mexico lost much to Colorado in 1861. Then two years later New Mexico lost all of Arizona.
So, bad news, good news. # - On Feb 28, 1827, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad became first U.S. railway chartered for commercial transportation of freight and passengers. #
- “The sentence for attempted murder should be the same as for successful murder. Otherwise we’re just rewarding incompetence.” Scott Adams #
- Why is it that for more than 2,000 years February has had fewer days than the other 11 months? #
- Dean Smith & Gavin MacLeod are 81 today. Mario Andretti in left lane with his blinker on at 72. Bernadette Peters is 64. John Turturro 55. #
- Best line of the day: “Is painfully stupid just an expression, or do you actually feel some discomfort?” http://t.co/ShR63A2J #
- "This [bill] does everything except require that women seeking abortions arrive at the clinic in a tumbrel." http://t.co/fkY2Eiy5 #
- Planets, Brightest Stars Team Up for Sky Show This Week http://t.co/PVfun0ku #
NewMexiKen Tweets
- In Memoriam the best production of the show. #
- Mister Rogers passed away on this date in 2003. Here are 15 reasons he was the best neighbor ever http://t.co/X4dScHga” Read it. Seriously. #
- "Once again at this year’s Oscars, JLo was the best supported actress." Newsdroppings http://t.co/4Z7HOKmh #
- Amazing Buzzer Beater, Double Overtime, at Cal Poly Pomona!! – YouTube http://t.co/EwaUtCN5 #
- The Oscars In Memorian left out Harry Morgan. #
- Do you follow NASCAR Mr. Romney: "Not as closely as some of the most ardent fans. But I have some great friends who are NASCAR team owners." #
- If I ran the Oscar broadcast, Sandra Bullock would be the host next year. #
- "A Better Life is so good that I started crying … just from the clip they showed of the actor when they announced his nomination." Jill #
- Howard Zinn – A People's History of the United States – http://t.co/iUdFmfI6 iBook version of this classic, important book, just $2.99. #
- Banker Leaves 1% Tip, Suggests Server Should "Get A Real Job" http://t.co/2Mndjmei #
- Worst [Movie] Sequels (In Numerical Order) by Joe Posnanski http://t.co/bLgNIEJi #
NewMexiKen Tweets
- Why do people on Southwest get aisle seats first and then look pissed when you want the window? Tweeted from plane. #
- Dog Not Thrilled to be at the Vet http://t.co/R16e4MAi #
NewMexiKen Tweets
- "[T]eaching takes skill and education and dedication. Home schooling…is on a par with home dentistry." Dick Cavett http://t.co/uiuKScUu #
- Best line of the day: " The [GOP] clown car, alas, has become a motorcade." Charles Pierce http://t.co/zzCT6XnP #
NewMexiKen Tweets
- BBC News – The myth of the eight-hour sleep http://t.co/WVfAtEfs #
NewMexiKen Tweets
- Chili's comped part of our dinner tonight (5 Sweeties, their moms & I) because our waitress quit.
We don't think it was because of us. # - "Conservative Chickens Come Home to Roost" http://t.co/6q1Vh33B Matt Taibbi with a provocative look at the history. #
- Sea of Troubles http://t.co/cGCWBbK6 "[R]eally a lot of work to maintain the hoax, in my opinion." #
- 'Me-Me-Me': The Tale of Romney in Massachusetts http://t.co/n5Bec4YE Willard, a politician, only worse. #
NewMexiKen Tweets
- Saw "A Separation" yesterday and "A Better Life" today. Two best films I've seen this year—by far. See them. Thank me later. Take tissues. #
- "Governor Loses Hair Stylist Over Gay Marriage" http://t.co/ulSZX2Pc Well, alright, Antonio. #
Best line of the day
NewMexiKen Tweets
- Michel Hazanavicius’s “The Artist” and the Lost Art of Silent Films : The New Yorker http://t.co/yS4lH35L #
- Roger Ebert's Guide to Watching the Oscar Films http://t.co/LXnZqiWe #
- It's NOT President's Day. http://t.co/aLdk51IA #
- Understand when to wash your hands, how to properly use hand sanitizer and how to get your children into the habit. http://t.co/w59RqE9D #
- "Warmer Planet Could Be Dominated by Mosquitoes, Tics, Rodents and Jellyfish" http://t.co/f77GfA69 A definite improvement over politicians. #
NewMexiKen Tweets
- Twitter Reveals People Are Happiest in the Morning http://t.co/E0yywEBS #
- It's not Presidents Day. It is Washington's Birthday. http://t.co/TpFB1EK9 #