Osama bin Laden would have been 55 today but all of us got to make the wish and we blew out his candles.
Author: NewMexiKen
What single quality predicts a…
What single quality predicts a good doctor? http://t.co/TpaoMXqn Scientific American provides an answer.
Best line of the day: “If this…
Best line of the day: “If this guy was any more obviously a dope, they’d sell him by the ounce.” Charles Pierce http://t.co/BHTsrheG
Right now Hondo Valley HS (tot…
Right now Hondo Valley HS (total K-12 students 154) is playing Wagon Mound HS (46 students 7-12) for Class B Boys NM state championship.
The Book Whisperer http://t.co…
The Book Whisperer http://t.co/cm39cnu0 Fascinating, a human being in this age who makes a living scouting used books.
“Only one state — New Mexico…
“Only one state — New Mexico — had winter temperatures below its 20th Century average, NOAA reported.” http://t.co/qtckpAJx
People, please! It is Daylight…
People, please! It is Daylight Saving Time. You save daylight from the morning to use in the evening. Savings with an “s” is for money.
The Civil Wars: Barton Hollow,…
The Civil Wars: Barton Hollow, a live session video. http://t.co/NFnbQVQY Joy explains duo’s name, John the provenance for Barton Hollow.
The Supreme Court handed down …
The Supreme Court handed down its opinion in United States v. Amistad on Mar 9, 1841. http://t.co/rgS9IIQd Great Spielberg movie.
Pancho Villa & his forces atta…
Pancho Villa & his forces attacked Columbus, New Mexico, 96 years ago today. The town was burned and 17 killed. More: http://t.co/AAev35aI
Battle at Sea: The Monitor vs….
Battle at Sea: The Monitor vs. The Virginia http://t.co/OKl6xoJq 150 years ago today. “It lasted about four hours.” Great story, well told.
Good advice from both Calvin a…
Good advice from both Calvin and Hobbes. http://t.co/Q6OCX4Jt
One reason they call them “the…
One reason they call them “the good old days.” http://t.co/h2sU8YPi
Where’s Jay Silverheels when y…
Where’s Jay Silverheels when you need him? That’s Johnny Depp’s Tonto (w/Armie Hammer). Disney photo, Peter Mountain. http://t.co/6RvbJQF1
Toshiba builds scanner that ca…
Toshiba builds scanner that can identify fruit without a barcode, yup (video) http://t.co/KEkADopJ
17 books Hemingway said he rat…
17 books Hemingway said he rather read again for the first time than have million $/year income. http://t.co/GlmWoawG Lists of Note
Motion X, which makes superior…
Motion X, which makes superior apps, has an iPhone Sleep app currently for 99¢ that monitors your activity, sleep, etc. Looks fascinating.
The Apple App Store has a new …
The Apple App Store has a new category called Catalogs. Most are free and there’s some good ones: Bean, Nordstrom, Land’s End, Ikea.
Marilyn Hegarty, Grand Forks O…
Marilyn Hegarty, Grand Forks Olive Garden Reviewer, Speaks http://t.co/IpyXjijB What a delightful person. Be sure read her review.
Google has a colorful doodle f…
Google has a colorful doodle for International Woman’s Day. http://t.co/Ze7wAlgj
What If Biggest Known Sun Stor…
What If Biggest Known Sun Storm Hit Today? http://t.co/qfN61AgK In 1859 flares so strong they saw the aurora in Havana and Honolulu.
Parents Don’t Realize Daughter…
Parents Don’t Realize Daughter Is Still At Chuck E. Cheese’s Until She’s On The News http://t.co/fVLfYe8A
Most visited Natl Parks 2011: …
Most visited Natl Parks 2011: Great Smoky Mountains, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain. http://t.co/x4Ouk0yE
The weather is really ugly thi…
The weather is really ugly this morning. Overcast, nasty wind, cold. I’m blaming the solar flares … or March.
Thousands of spiders blanket A…
Thousands of spiders blanket Australian farm after escaping flood http://t.co/nQ1st4fJ Yikes! Photos! Like I said Yikes!