Joe Posnanski on the Olive Garden and the Olive Garden review. Treat yourself.
Author: NewMexiKen
I wasn’t interested in voting …
I wasn’t interested in voting for Newt Gingrich, but if Rick Perry really is his running mate, I’d have to consider it.
@Hugh_Resnick Not an Aggies fa…
@Hugh_Resnick Not an Aggies fan. One school per state for me. And I take the local Lobos and their 5 seed. 🙂
Also Albuquerque Thurs: No. 6 …
Also Albuquerque Thurs: No. 6 UNLV vs. No. 11 Colorado; No. 3 Baylor vs. No. 14 South Dakota State. Lucky for the Buffs; mile high here too.
Albuquerque Thurs: No. 5 Vande…
Albuquerque Thurs: No. 5 Vanderbilt vs. No. 12 Harvard; No. 4 Wisconsin vs. No. 13 Montana. Welcome to 5,000 above sea level flatlanders.
Why I love NM reason #936. Boy…
Why I love NM reason #936 Boys, shirts off and their high school L-H-S painted on their chests at game. One was wearing a cowboy hat.
The 3-year-old scooted into th…
The 3-year-old scooted into the driver’s seat. Told it was time to get out, he replied, “Ok. I just wanted to call someone a jackass.”
The Bureau of Indian Affairs w…
The Bureau of Indian Affairs was established in the War Department on this date 180 years ago. (It moved to Interior in 1849.)
“The Answer to the Great Quest…
“The Answer to the Great Question Of Life, the Universe, and Everything Is…Forty-Two …”
Douglas Adams
“Nothing travels faster than t…
“Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.”
Douglas Adams
“You live and learn. At any ra…
“You live and learn. At any rate, you live.”
Douglas Adams
Douglas Adams, author of The H…
Douglas Adams, author of The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, was born 60 years ago today. He died from a heart attack in 2001.
Today Rupert Murdoch is 80 and…
Today Rupert Murdoch is 80 and Justice Antonin Scalia is 75. Tick. Tick. Tick.
Spring, you never know. http:/…
Spring, you never know.
It’s later than you think.
It’s later than you think.
How come girls team had last n…
How come girls team had last names displayed across rears on warmups but boys team from same school doesn’t? Is that a Title 9 violation?
Watching Logan NM HS vs Cliff …
Watching Logan NM HS vs Cliff NM HS boys state championship. Figure about one-quarter of the boys in each high school are on these teams.
Amazing how many folks here fr…
Amazing how many folks here from Santa Teresa (260 miles) and Gallup (170 miles). ST won 58-43. Boys cry more than girls.
Basketball without a shot cloc…
Basketball without a shot clock sucks.
Watching Gallup vs. Saint Tere…
Watching Gallup vs. Saint Teresa boys 4A NM HS championship in the arena Jimmy V made immortal in 1983. Happy birthday, Jimmy.
8-yr-old grandson’s basketball…
8-yr-old grandson’s basketball team up 8-4 at half for championship. Alas, their shooting cooled off in 2nd half – a lot. Lost 11-8.
Carlos Ray “Chuck” Norris is 7…
Carlos Ray “Chuck” Norris is 72 today. Norris is an Honorary Texas Ranger (but he was born in Oklahoma).
Mar 10, 1804, ceremony in St.L…
Mar 10, 1804, ceremony in St.Louis transferred Louisiana from France to U.S. 828,000 sq. miles at about 40¢/acre in 2012 dollars.
“Mr. Watson — come here — I …
“Mr. Watson — come here — I want to see you.” Alexander Graham Bell’s notebook entry March 10, 1876.
Cape Lookout National Seashore…
Cape Lookout National Seashore (North Carolina) was established on this date in 1966. Natl Park Service pic.