Happy π Day.
Author: NewMexiKen
Picture of the Day: The Most I…
Picture of the Day: The Most Incredible Aurora of 2012 http://t.co/AGSKYieY
Go out and look at Venus and J…
Go out and look at Venus and Jupiter on the western horizon. They’ll be close together each evening the rest of the week. Don’t miss it.
Five Fearless March Madness Pr…
Five Fearless March Madness Predictions http://t.co/ljGPtCvo
Some LOL analysis from Charles P. Pierce.
Letter from Scott Turow: Grim …
Letter from Scott Turow: Grim News http://t.co/lKkwirtq Important reading if you’re interested in books, bookstores and e-books.
Anthony Shadid Interview with …
Anthony Shadid Interview with Dave Kindred: GQ http://t.co/DPdN7Dvy Shadid is award-winning reporter who recently died. Interesting, moving.
“@embeedub: I wrote about Mi…
“@embeedub: I wrote about Mister Rogers. Because he remains THE AWESOMEST: http://t.co/Asu9gvMI” He was. Go read.
FiveThirtyEight: Picking the 2…
FiveThirtyEight: Picking the 2012 N.C.A.A. Bracket http://t.co/nqgOpY35 The picks, the analysis and an analysis of the analysis.
Why Interacting with a Woman C…
Why Interacting with a Woman Can Leave Men “Cognitively Impaired” Scientific American http://t.co/syzK7Cry It took a study to learn this?
If red meat kills me, I sure h…
If red meat kills me, I sure hope it had green chile on it. Small price to pay.
Following up on previous tweet…
Following up on previous tweet: Isn’t our risk of death 100% anyway?
“single serving of red meat pe…
“single serving of red meat per day dramatically increases your risk of death – by 13 percent” http://t.co/Q08Ogn3S
The best NCAA Tournament calls…
The best NCAA Tournament calls of Gus Johnson. http://t.co/mutscODw No Gus this year, first time since 95. Enjoy some Gus moments.
Doonesbury continues
Doonesbury continues. http://t.co/D4foVRji
Heard on NPR. If you lose your…
Heard on NPR. If you lose your phone, chance of getting it back: 50%. Chance of person who finds it trying to open your banking app: 40%.
Best line of the day
“… Republican mantra that the president is deliberately keeping the nation’s public-spirited energy companies from providing us with the cheap gas to which the Founding Fathers, working in close collabortation with Jesus, gave us as our birthright.”
Daylight Saving Time Explained…
Daylight Saving Time Explained http://t.co/LXrN80eP An excellent primer video from Smithsonian Mag. Informative and balanced. Recommended.
Did you want a new iPad? Shoul…
Did you want a new iPad? Should have ordered, you could have had it this Friday. Now the shipping wait is 2-3 weeks.
The first of Doonesbury’s cont…
The first of Doonesbury’s controversial (to some) sonogram strips. http://t.co/EJo3jjAv
Pre-Snap Read seeds 32-team NC…
Pre-Snap Read seeds 32-team NCAA football playoff for 2011 season. This link is to the ground rules. Bracket later. http://t.co/H02fBXYv
Snake River and the Tetons, Na…
Snake River and the Tetons, Natl Geographic Photo of the Day http://t.co/gmVDJQVN Wow!
Read or listen to FDR’s first …
Read or listen to FDR’s first Fireside Chat, March 10, 1933. http://t.co/C84Ly4dj
“My friends: I want to talk fo…
“My friends: I want to talk for a few minutes with the people of the United States about banking….” FDR 1st Fireside Chat, 79 yrs ago today.
Jack Kerouac (born Jean-Louise…
Jack Kerouac (born Jean-Louise in Lowell, Mass) on March 12, 90 years ago today. Long time to be On the Road.
James Taylor is 64 today…
James Taylor is 64 today. He’s seen a lot of fire and he’s seen a lot of rain by now.