Wildlife at Casa NewMexiKen


This is a gif loop from 10 stills taken of the bear in my backyard June 27, 2013.

I love watching the bear problem solve — how do I get over that wall? She (he?) eventually jumped onto the berm, a leap of about 5 vertical and 5 horizontal feet. She visited again, once or twice, but I didn’t see her, only her sign. Bears have been much more scarce since the horrible winnowing of 2013, a bad drought year.


My cat, taken April 21, 2015. He also has been around from time-to-time, but this was my one sighting.


One of many bunnies through the years.

These photos were taken through windows. I didn’t want to frighten the wildlife away by opening the door or screen — and I didn’t really want to let them in.