
It seems NewMexiKen has gotten too big for its server.* It is so slow, especially in the mornings when I try and do most of the writing, that I can no longer stand it. Perhaps 20,600 posts is too many.

Time to pull the plug — and start over.

In the meanwhile I think I will take a break of undetermined length — a day, two, a week, two weeks. Who knows? I always miss it when I’m gone.

In a day or two I am going to take the whole site down. While it is down, the URL will transfer you directly to my Twitter feed which will remain active.

Eventually, I’ll be right back here at with the same old wisdom, whimsy and wit.

If you have any suggestions for what you want to see more of — or less of — please feel free to make a comment or email me at newmexiken at gmail dot com. Maybe 8-1/2 years is enough. Maybe I should just do history or national park stuff.


* Technically the hosting service is throttling the domain because NMK is using more than its share of the server.

7 thoughts on “Announcement”

  1. I like the history and National Park posts but especially like the birthday posts.. hurry back. I don’t comment a lot but your site is one of my favorite reads.

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