Best about sums it up line of the day

“So the President is happy, the spending cutters are happy, the entitlement slashers are happy.The anti-tax folks are happy, but they might gripe if defense is cut at all at some point in the future. And the Democratic base can go fuck itself.”


4 thoughts on “Best about sums it up line of the day”

  1. Actually, we’re not so silent. Our money and shoe leather (shoe rubber for the vegans among us) propelled the President to office. And yes, we are unhappy. But the alternatives are much, much worse.

  2. How would the alternatives be worse exactly? Escalation in Afghanistan? Hostilities in Libya? Guantanamo still open? Social Security to be cut? Medicare age advanced? Climate change ignored? Civil liberties under siege? Whistle blowers faced with unprecedented pressures? More drilling for oil in the Gulf?

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