7 thoughts on “‘Morons, we are surrounded by ignorant morons’ line of the day”

  1. One of the reasons for the (apparently) high number may have been the way that the question was asked, paired with a problem of innumeracy in this country. If the question was asked, “Do you believe that one in four Americans are gay/lesbian”, I think a much lower percentage of people would say yes to that. Or even, “Out of every four person family that you know, is one of the members, on average, gay/lesbian?”

    I just think that many people have no clue what they mean when they say 25%.

  2. And how exactly does this explanation refute the fact that we are surrounded by morons?

  3. My intent was not to try and ‘refute’ Ken. I was trying to say that many Americans may not realize what saying 25% means in practice. So, if you think that means that you’re surrounded by morons, fine. The word “morons” was not used in the survey, and that was what I was responding to.

  4. I’m thinkin’ Hugh is actually making an even stronger point that we are surrounded by morons if people don’t know that 1 in 4 actually equates to 25%.

    I drive on NM roads: I know I am surrounded by morons. Every. Single. Day.

    And, btw, I AM… One in Ten.

  5. Apparently the 10% figure is urban myth.

    From the Gallup report linked in the post:

    “Demographer Gary Gates last month released a review of population-based surveys on the topic, estimating that 3.5% of adults in the United States identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, with bisexuals making up a slight majority of that figure. Gates also disputes the well-circulated statistic that ‘10% of the males are more or less exclusively homosexual.’ ”

    Gates’ work is linked in the Gallup report.

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