Your over-achieving honor student is ruining it for the rest of us

The Intel Science Talent Search is considered the nation’s most elite and demanding high school research competition, attracting the crème de la milk-fats-encased-in-a-phospholipid-and-protein-membrane of aspiring young scientists. Victors and near-victors in the 69-year-old contest have gone on to win seven Nobel Prizes in physics or chemistry, two Fields Medals in mathematics, a half-dozen National Medals in science and technology, a long string of MacArthur Foundation “genius” grants — and now, an Academy Award for best actress in a leading role.

Above from the beginning of an interesting and amusing piece — Natalie Portman, Oscar Winner, Was Also a Precocious Scientist.

Ms. Portman studied neuroscience and the evolution of the mind at Harvard (B.A. 2003) and is mentioned in passing in The Social Network. Her name is Natalie Hershlag.