Almost forgot. For the past few years around here I’ve been listing where I spent nights during the year. Traveling again yesterday I remembered.
Here’s where 2010 found me, some places more than once.
Russellville, AR
Bristol, TN
Northern Virginia near Washington
Washington, DC
Ocala, FL
New Orleans
Sonora, TX
Grand Canyon National Park
Monument Valley Tribal Park
Moab, UT
Wytheville, VA
West Memphis, AR
Oklahoma City
Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve, CO
Arches National Park
Westminster, CO
Walt Disney World Resort
Orlando, FL
12 states states and the District of Columbia. I was also in Maryland, North and South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi and Illinois during 2010. 37 states in the past five years.
You were never overnight in Tucson last year? Really?
SB1070 kept him away.
I think you were stuck in traffic outside the Dupont Hotel for at least one night.
You must really love that little car of yours.
Actually, the little car only got as far as Colorado last year. But yes I love it.