“It’s hard to give Arizona the benefit of the doubt on anything these days, what with the state’s dubious performances in matters like illegal immigrant hysteria, the selling of the State Capitol to help balance the budget, and the electing of Jan Brewer. However, let’s accept that given their economic problems, it would be natural for the Legislature to want to try to cut the Medicaid budget. Although preferably in some saner, less brutal manner.
“But try to imagine what the Republicans would have said if someone in the Obama administration proposed cutting off liver transplants for Medicare recipients.”
Gail Collins writing about Arizona cutting Medicaid funding.
Sometimes I wonder why I came back here to AZ (answer=grandkids). It’s insane. Now they are declaring that the cops in Tucson will now take longer to respond and will no longer attend auto accidents without injuries or death involved. Firemen will take longer to respond, too. Every possible public service has been cut back. We’re at the bottom of the heap in education…. And yet, they (meaning Maricopa County/Phoenix–which tends to carry the state regardless what the rest of us want) continue to elect these corrupt morons.
Speaking nationally, because to some degree it does trickle down, I ask: What good is safe-guarding our freedom overseas (a debatable concept to begin with) at a cost of trillions of dollars and bankrupting the nation, if we fall apart from within and give up our individual, personal safety on a local level to do it?