Best redux line of the day

Jill, official older daughter of NewMexiKen, brings us up to date on 7-year-old Mack’s training for a triathlon August 9th. [This post is from 2008.]

Today Mack had swim practice for an hour. They worked on the butterfly stroke for the whole hour, which can only help him.

Then he rode his bike home. That was two miles.

As soon as he got home he ran around the block — only .2 of a mile, but I figured one lap was enough.

His stomach hurt, but I kid you not, he wasn’t even breathing hard.

Loving grandpa that I am, I responded that he’d make a good Marine. Jill wrote back.

Nope, I’ve told all [three boys] that they are forbidden from pursuing any career which would lead to people shooting at them.

So that knocks out anything in the armed forces, as well as police officer, security guard, border patrol and working for the post office.