3 thoughts on “Test Your Focus and Test How Fast You Juggle Tasks”

  1. I also aced them both and only had a couple areas where I took too long.

    I’m unsure what this says about us, Ken.

    My husband often complains that I try to do too many things at once and thus sometimes zone out on important items (like a question he’s just asked me).

    I’m seeing a lot of stories in the news lately about how multitasking maybe isn’t the best way to be good at any one thing.

  2. Perhaps I should have less faith in the cognitive ability of others.
    Or maybe I should have more faith in my cognitive abilities.

    I got perfect scores on both sets of tests, much to my surprise. I anticipated, incorrectly that my score might be adversely affected from listening to a Rolling Stones song I’d never heard before (Gomper, from Their Satanic Majesties Request) played fairly loud.

    I was a little slow on the letter/number task, but I hadn’t had my morning coffee yet.

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