6 thoughts on “Best line of the day”

  1. Keepin’ it classy.

    And you know, I’m sure all those cameras and open mics wouldn’t pick up the sound…


  2. Those complaining fuckers are really fucked. They really fucked up because they are a bunch of fucking fuckups. Fuckin’ A!

  3. Biden just kills me. He’s been in public life for about a hundred years, has run for President a couple of times, and even standing two feet from a microphone he just spoke intohe still can’t just keep his mouth shut. Can you imagine what he’d be like if her were in a job where he didn’t even have to try to be discreet, like working on loading dock? He’d be the most fun guy in the world to hang around with, but I’d never tell him anything I didn’t want the whole world to know.

    The other possibility is that he did it on purpose, to give Republicans a whole new way to seem petty and hypocritical.

    Nah. He just doesn’t have a filter.

  4. The bright side is that he didn’t tell Mitch McConnell to… “go fuck yourself.”

  5. I thought Karen was right, Biden managed to detract from the moment. I also think Jill is right, adults (and a lot of children) use the f-word. Fuck, I use it. I also agree with Tom that Biden just can’t keep his mouth shut. Remember when he used 25 minutes of his allotted 30 to ask Supreme Court nominee Alito one question?

    I thought the President reacted unfavorably. He seemed distracted even upset for a brief moment. I don’t know, but I’m guessing it was Biden’s remark.

    So Biden screwed up. It wasn’t what he said. It was where he said it and how it gave the chattering classes something to talk about (and diminish the moment) and how it distracted the one man Biden’s there to serve.

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