4 thoughts on “NBC (Nothing But Communists)”

  1. They couldn’t figure out how to tie him to Al Qaeda?

    How else were they going to stir up all the folks watching at home and get them to know they were supposed to cheer for Lysacek, an American with a commie-sounding surname?

  2. Eh, you only have to watch Plushenko for about thirty seconds before you start rooting against him.

    Go read some of his nasty sour grapes comments from last night if you disagree with me.

  3. I second what Jill said. I’d feel bad if he wasn’t such a sore damn loser.

    His routine was very ho-hum. Yes, he did a quad, but it came at the beginning and he coasted through the entire last minute of his free style routine.

  4. Ok, so then I went away and thought about what I just said. Yes, he’s a sore loser and a pouter of high order.

    But he does at least deserve to be treated to an accurate depiction of his own country. He is an Olympian after all.

    I blame NBC. I shall direct any further vitriol toward Bob Costas.

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