Best NBC (Nothing But Commercials) commentary of the day, so far

The other problem I had was the ski jump. People speeding down an incline and then launching farther than a football field through the air has to be about the coolest thing, right? Not if you watch on NBC! The shot of every competitor was a close up that fit just them in the screen. You know in how in The Aviator, Howard Hughes puts his movie on hold because there are no clouds in the sky and planes flying without clouds around provides no frame of reference and you can’t tell they are moving? That’s what this was like, basically you have a stationary guy first crouching, then pointed awkwardly, then suddenly landing. What is the point of this close up? Does the average person have enough knowledge of this sport to look at these people’s technical performance? “Oh, I don’t like how his ankle is cocked there. He’s making a big pocket in the middle!” No, just show people flying through the air already!

Commenter at Deadspin