6 thoughts on “Hi, what's new?”

  1. Surviving temperatures hovering above 0F. I resurrected the time-honored “put the outerwear in the dryer” technique before going out to feed horses tonight.

  2. Wondering where you’ve been.

    This ‘n that.
    Work. (pffffttt)
    Dogs and TDC.
    Obsessed with watching every episode of Criminal Minds and waiting for Damages premier.
    Cooking. (Saw Julie/Julia and loved Meryl Streep. Since I’ve been plugging into Julia on PBS and loving every minute of it.)
    You know… same ol’ same ol’.
    Hope your holidays were nice.

  3. I missed your posts during your absence, but I hope you enjoyed yourself, Poor Kenneth.

    I just spent three very long days in Tucson, struggling to master my new association manager job with no training or orientation (yet), while preparing for the first board meeting of both a new board and a new year (Wednesday evening). This morning (Thurs.), it was off to another meeting for an additional job I will do a few hours a week, assisting in the implementation of [our part of] a major educational grant that spans 7 large agencies. Friday, Sunday and Tuesday it’s off to play Iraqi with the Army. (Or is it Afghani this time? I don’t know yet.) That’s always interesting, but I’ll bet it’ll be cold up there in the woods in the Huachuca Mts. at 6:30 am!

  4. Iraq, Afghanistan or Yemen, I just know it was mighty cold out there for the better part of the day! Actually, for this set of field training exercises, it was Tekrit and Samarra again, but you could have fooled me weather-wise–I thought Iraq was supposed to be hot. Rumor [at the work place] has it that we’ll “be” in Afghanistan in April.

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