Been there, done that

From a meme that was on the internet a few years ago, name the locations where you spent the night during the year:

Virginia near Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.
Leadville, Colorado
Snowmass Village, Colorado
Joplin, Missouri
Brown County State Park, Indiana
Leland, Michigan
Newberry, Michigan
Eagle River, Michigan
Grand Rapids, Minnesota
Bismarck, North Dakota
Deadwood, South Dakota
Wheatland, Wyoming

Eleven states and the District of Columbia. During the year I was also in Texas, Oklahoma, Illinois, Wisconsin, Maryland, West Virginia and Georgia.

6 thoughts on “Been there, done that”

  1. Not that great as I took two months off before and after my surgery.

    In no order:

    Rome, Italy
    Florence, Italy
    Venice, Italy
    Paris, France

    Florida: Orlando, Jacksonville
    Indiana: Brown State Park
    Georgia: Atlanta
    Alabama: Birmingham
    Ohio: Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati
    New York: New York, Tarrytown
    Virginia: Home, Richmond, Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, South Hill
    North Carolina: Raleigh (Cary)
    Colorado: Boulder, Louisville, Denver, Vail
    Maryland: Baltimore
    Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, Lancaster, Hershey
    Wisconsin: Madision
    Illinois: Chicago
    California: Santa Clara, San Jose
    West Virginia: Charleston
    South Carolina: Spartanburg

    Other than that, I know I was in Kentucky, District of Columbia and Texas this year not sure of where else.

  2. Phoenix and San Diego. That’s it. Sad, no?

    I don’t mind, though. The five or so years previous, I traveled much, much more than I wanted to. I’m kinda happy to be still right now. 🙂

    Hopefully, in 2010, I’ll get to make an Austin/Houston run, but other than that, I’m content just being home.

  3. Denver
    Winter Park
    Santa Fe
    San Francisco
    Lake Isabella
    Los Angeles
    Shorewood, WI

  4. It seems I’ve had a pretty dull year this time around–as far as sleeping goes. I’ve only slept in five places: Amado, Arivaca, Tucson, Saint David, and Lakeside–all of them in Arizona, and all but one within an hour from Tucson.

    On the other hand, I’ve lived near two different towns this year (about 75 miles apart) and a third town (1200 miles away) less than 4 months before the year began–for a total of three places in 7 months!

  5. Portland, OR
    Upper Twin Lake, OR
    Cape Alava, Olympic National Park, WA
    Indio, CA
    Tucson, AZ
    Albuquerque, NM (Tonight anyway)
    Bangkok, Thailand
    Railay Beach, Thailand
    Klong Klung, Thailand
    Koh Mak, Thailand

    If you had polled me this in 2002 I would have had 164 different locations.

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