3 thoughts on “Best parenting has changed line of the day”

  1. This is all about her trying to get her daughter dressed in the morning. Oh, the games she invents to get her, poor forlorned daughter, to put her GD clothes on!
    Our (now) 11 year old (boy) did this exactly once. When he wouldn’t get dressed, we still made him go to school, in his pajamas. Of course, we had to carry him to the car and half-way into school… then, suddenly, he wanted to go home and put his clothes on.
    Worked like a charm… (And oh so laborious!)

    And the fact of the matter is… If I had said that stuff to either my mom or my dad, one of them, probably my dad, would have tanned my hide.

    I learned and I learned well to fear… ’cause fear was good. Confession was good, too. So was my grandmother’s disappointed look.

    Spanking is a lost art.

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