What, if anything, should be done by Congress or state legislators on the issue of distracted driving?
Why should phones and texting be outlawed and not GPS? Why should phones and texting be outlawed and not kids fighting over which DVD to watch? Why should phones and texting be outlawed and not people applying makeup or shaving? Or eating? Or drinking hot coffee with the lid not on right? Or listening to talk radio, which should drive any reasonable person to distraction?
Isn’t the real issue failure to control a moving vehicle and not the cause of that failure? And isn’t failure to control an offense already? Do we need more laws?
My prediction is that legislation will be passed and noises made, because politicians have an insatiable need to be seen doing something about whatever is the most pressing Issue Of The Day.
Thus, they try to arrange so that the IOTD will be something pointless and minor, that is easy to address, regardless of the side effects of their actions.