2 thoughts on “Why classic cars are to look at, not drive”

  1. This is a great video. My boss sent it to me, because we worked on the crashworthiness of the Malibu. Besides the obvious effects of the seatbelt and airbag to control the dummy, you can also see how the cabin remains structural intact and protective in the new car, and crumples like a potato chip in the classic. Obviously, an extra thousand pounds of steel doesn’t contribute to the safety.

    Also note the speeds were only 40mph. With all the violence of this crash, you have to be concerned about 85mph-plus crashes on NM interstates. Hard to design a car to withstand that!

  2. Wow! That was amazing. And I always thought those big ol’ tanks were better built because they were heavier. We really have come a long way! That just shattered all of my preconceived notions. Woo!

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