Why in America, with our immense wealth, should the poor get sicker and the sick get poorer? We have been promising ourselves a system of national health insurance for a quarter of a century. I am tired of apologizing year after year as we fail to achieve it. We have put a premium on conversation instead of coverage. America is the only industrialized nation in the world which does not provide basic health service as a universal right. As President, I will make sure that we do.
Morris Udall, 1976.
Yes, nineteen-seventy-six.
Charles Pierce, source of the above, has much to say on the topic, including this:
The political class in this country–politician and journalist, lobbyist and legislator, Republican and Democratic, Executive and Legislative — has made a collective decision to protect the profits of one of the least popular industries in the history of the Republic, to preserve the iron grip of corporate bureaucrats over the practice of medicine in America, and to refuse virtually without serious discussion to adopt measures favored by 77 percent of the voting public.
Amen. It’s enough to make you sick — if you can afford it.
Our entire health-care industry is set up to make hospitals, health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies well, not patients.
I agree with one of your previous posters about the ‘fix’ in healthcare reform:
We’re doomed!