Juxtaposition line of the day

Headline at nytimes.com:

Thousands Rally in Capital to Protest Big Government

Most took the Metro to get there; others took the interstates. Many will be visiting the museums and art galleries later.

2 thoughts on “Juxtaposition line of the day”

  1. There comes a time when someone has to stand up to protect us from this rampant socialism. When will it all end!

  2. I had an argument with a conservative co-worker who claimed that “regulating the masses” (by making sure everyone can see a doctor) is socialism. When I pointed out that everything – the chair he was sitting in, the room, the building with sewers and running water and safe staircases, the car he drove to get there, the roads he drove on – were all regulated, his response was “You’re proving my point.” As far as I could tell, he didn’t have a point. It was a very frustrating conversation. In the end I gave up and walked away when he tried to convince me that a government agency (NASA) was a private company.

    I have a few fine conservative friends with whom I enjoy arguing. However, there is this breed of conservative “thinkers” who somehow believe that they are absolutely right about everything without a shred of logic or factual evidence to back it up. It’s baffling. And frightening.

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