Idle thought

Apple is having a big deal today and Steve Jobs has appeared.

It’s almost, though obviously not quite, as if the Beatles reunited and John Lennon showed up.

(Jobs had a liver transplant around five months ago.)

Apple has sold 30 million iPhones (in two years) and 1.8 billion apps.

New iPhone/iPod touch operating system available today (3.1). It’s free for iPhones, $5 for iPods.

The iTunes store has 100 million accounts (that’s a lot of credit card numbers).

New iTunes version 9 available free today with several new features. Among other things, you’ll be able to use iTunes to organize your apps on the iPhone or iPod. Also a new feature will create mixes of related songs.

Over 220 million iPods sold. 73.8% of the market. 20 million are iPod touches.

Madden NFL 2010 is at the App Store. ONLY $7.99 until tomorrow night (NFL first game).

Big price reductions for iPod touch models. 8GB just $199. 32GB $299. New 64GB $399 (that’s what my 16GB cost two years ago).

Oh, and an 8GB video camera in every iPod Nano. The Nano will also have an FM radio and a pedometer. Microphone and speaker. 8GB $149. 16GB $179. Wow!

Oh, and Norah Jones appeared to close the show.

7 thoughts on “Idle thought”

  1. I like the improvements in iTunes 9.

    Oh, and while on the subject of computers, the new version of desktop software Tweetdeck allows you to follow and post not only for Twitter, but also Facebook and MySpace (is anyone still on MySpace?).

  2. I liked the new iTunes as well, especially the stuff allowing me to tweak apps on the iPhone and do home sharing (I just need to buy that AirPort Extreme).

    Speaking of Tweetdeck, the version on my iPhone is constantly crashing — every time I start it up, bam, back to the home screen. Second try, I can use it. What do you use on the iPhone?

  3. As I noted elsewhere, I really like the AND and ANY possibilities in iTunes 9 Smart Playlists. And the Genius Mixes seem somehow better than the Genius Playlists. And being able to organize my app screens is very welcome. (I have 75 apps.)

    I had been using Twitteriffic but am trying TweetDeck for consistency’s sake. No problems crashing, but not as friendly as Twitterrific. Do you shut your phone down and restart it every day or so?

  4. I don’t shut it down very often, only when I seem to have a major hangup. I should probably just redownload the app, see if that fixes the problem.

    I haven’t played with Smart Playlists at all — I’m Apple’s dream customer, I prefer listening to albums, rather than mixes. Don’t know why, but always have. I’ve purchased maybe, in the past 4 years, three singles off the iTunes store.

    Maybe it’s time to branch out.

  5. I recommend, based on a fair amount of reading, that every iPhone be shut down just for a few seconds every day or two, especially if new apps have been added or deleted or you have apps that download a lot of material (like the NY Times). I suppose this applies to iPod touches, too.

    I rely on Smart Playlists a lot. For example I have an iPod for the BMW that uses Smart Playlists that randomly select 2GB of tracks from different genres and then refreshes when songs have been played. That gives me jazz, country, R&B, rock and everything else playlists to select from in the car. Creating those easily uses both AND and ANY rules.

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