“I don’t need maternity care. So requiring that on my insurance policy is something that I don’t need and will make the policy more expensive.”
And of course, if Senator Kyl has federal employee health insurance, as most congress persons do, he has maternity coverage.
Why would any woman in Arizona ever vote for that man?
TPM has the video (link above).
I love Debbie’s response. She was a great Senator when we lived in MI and continues. Although, it may be that Kyl’s behaviour is an indication his mom didn’t get proper care. Perhaps lack of oxygen in fetal stage??
Oh, for cryin’ out loud. He’s closeted gay man!
Should a male be forced to pay for insurance that clearly doesn’t apply to him?
If your answer is yes, WHY?
I can see paying for a female in my family. But YOUR family? You pay for it.
I’ll bet that one of Debbie’s family members paid for her maternity expenses. And her mother’s family members paid for her mother’s maternity needs.
Ephraim, I know there is no point in trying to logically explain anything to you, yet…
An employer (why are we assuming he is male? wait, don’t answer that) should be “forced” to pay for maternity benefits for his employees because such benefits are necessary to ensure the health and well being of the employee and her fetus.
But I don’t expect you or yours of your ilk to even pretend to care about the well being of this fictional employee and her child. So how about this? Providing medical care, as an employer, means increasing your odds of a healthy pregnancy and healthy delivery – meaning the employee can sooner get back to toiling to make money for you.
Should Ephraim’s neighbors have to pay for sewers to his house?
Why should I have to pay taxes that support schools? I don’t have any kids.
Why should I have to pay taxes that go to street maintenance in neighborhoods I never drive in?
Why should my tax dollars go to pay salaries for Senators and Representatives in other people’s states and districts?
What is it about common human decency that right wingers find so repulsive?
An employer pays insurance premiums for ALL his employees. Shouldn’t he pay less to insure a male than a female? I think so. Both get insurance that way. An employer, when interviewing a potential female employee always tells her that the insurance he buys pays for two weeks (a limited time) of maternity leave. She must read the booklet that the employer gives her when she starts. Even so, A female worker that gets pregnant frequently chooses to devote all her time to her child. How can it be otherwise? But the employer is stuck having to hire another employee.
An employer hires any employee for the work that the employee can do. How can that be otherwise? The employer owes the employee nothing but their paycheck and benefits. The employee who thinks otherwise is a fool.
Mr. Lepard:
I just had my house built a couple of years ago. I remember paying for: Sewer hookup, Water hookup, Gas hookup, Electricity hookup, and Trash pickup. In addition I pay more for all of these every month. In addition, I had to pay for the under the road sewer, water, gas and electricity distribution equipment. I do resent having to pay property taxes because they don’t change when I no longer have kids in school. I don’t have a choice about paying school taxes nor whose lawmakers I pay for. Someone else, in the government, made those choices for me. And threaten me with incarceration if I don’t pay.
What about taxes or utilities falls under the umbrella of ‘common human decency’?
How about if I send you my tax bills and you pay for them. I think that would be pretty decent of you. Maybe you can get together with Jill and share the expense. Or maybe you think I should pay my own bills.
I’m waiting for the explosion. I thought you liked babies. Oh, well.
Why do conservatives hate babies?
It sounds to me like Ephriam is an Anarchist.
Ephriam, do all Anarchists hate good public schools that build the foundation of great countries?
Oh, and why do you hate women?
My insurance covers prostate exams. I will certainly never need one.
When you buy insurance, you buy into a risk pool. The more people, the more the risk is spread out. It’s just like car insurance. I’ve never had an accident (knock on wood), but I pay up every year. Some people, men and women, will never use their maternity care benefit. It doesn’t necessarily make their personal insurance more expensive. It just means you’ve bought into the risk pool that covers that, should it be necessary.
What is this obsession with who pays for it? What is the source of this fear that someone, somewhere isn’t pulling their weight? Is that what life is about? Is that why we’re here? Where does that come from?
Is there no sense at all for the commonweal? Are we not our brother’s keeper?
(Oh, and thanks Ephraim, you’ve been helping pay for my health insurance — and my family’s while they were growing up — since 1972.)
You’re welcome, Ken.
I did it because I knew that Jill would go hungry (and they’d put me in jail) if I didn’t.
You’re kind of obsessed with me, aren’t you, Ephraim?
How hard it must be to live your life resenting and judging everyone all the time. You obviously can’t even fathom that anyone would take satisfaction or joy from helping others. You sound like a very bitter, selfish and small-minded person. I feel sorry for you.
I have repeatedly said that I enjoy this blog too much. This thread is like a family dinner table conversation. The adult(NewMexiken)presents a rational statment; Jill, a younger family presents the liberal viewpoint; SnoLeopard states the rational humane point of view; and the guest from left field, Ephraim, is the curmudgeon who must be just trying to stir the pot because nobody can reasonably be that inhumane, selfish, greedy, and uncaring. I am for the public option, if not single-payer, even though, I am a retired Air Force vet and have had great government healthcare for over 40 years.