Idle thought

How come I love it when I open my Twitter application and there’s 6 or 8 new Tweets, but hate it when I open it and there’s 23?

(That’s why I only follow a few people — so far.)

3 thoughts on “Idle thought”

  1. I’m almost following 700, and when I load up Twhirl in the morning it downloads 250 messages. And when I get home and load it there, same thing. It’s impossible to keep up with it, so I scan and use Tweetdeck to read the important ones.

    Also, just to add — people who follow more than 1,000 aren’t actually following you. People with 10,000+ they’re following, whatever. There’s no meaning in that anymore.

  2. At home, friends and family. At the office, colleagues and others doing work in the open-government sphere.

    Photographers at both places.

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