9 thoughts on “Best line ever”

  1. Annette,

    I’ve quoted it before, and I’ll probably quote it again. But, to explain how “these people get elected” [by the common folks], I always refer to the quote from “Blazing Saddles” when The Waco Kid explains to the new sheriff who the local people are:

    “These are people who have lived on their land for generations, they have unchanging values, the salt of the earth people, you know, MORONS!”

    This little gem of wisdom fits in so many situations, especially political/religious ones.

  2. When One-eyed Jack (Williams) was governor of Arizona back in the sixties and seventies we said, “In the land of the blind a one-eyed man is King.”

  3. Back around 1993 or so, my husband and I went to Camp Verde, in Central AZ, to do some week-long author visits in the schools there. The two district librarians gave us a head’s up at the time, letting us know in advance that the climate there required a very light tread for “free-thinkers” like us. Turns out the school board had recently sent out a memo to all teachers and staff in the district stating that they were no longer allowed to ask children to “close their eyes and visualize” anything. That sort of activity was believed to belong to Satan!

    It should be noted that the Camp Verde area was an early and particular toe-hold of the Christian Coalition at the time. [Glad to say, the librarians did not agree with the edict.] It looks like the CC has finally expanded its domain to state government. It was only a matter of time, I suppose. In our 14 year absence from the state, I’d forgotten how backward AZ had become–and we lived in West Virginia during part of that that time.

    Oh, wait, was that one of Tom’s corollaries? Follow a thread about ignorance long enough and you’ll definitely get around to West Virginia? Maybe that stereotype needs to be amended now to Arizona. (Or has it been already?)

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