Go read this story. It won Lane DeGregory a Pulitzer Prize.
No, really, go read it.
A brief excerpt:
The doctors and social workers had no way of knowing all that had happened to Danielle. But the scene at the house, along with Danielle’s almost comatose condition, led them to believe she had never been cared for beyond basic sustenance. Hard as it was to imagine, they doubted she had ever been taken out in the sun, sung to sleep, even hugged or held. She was fragile and beautiful, but whatever makes a person human seemed somehow missing.
It’s a story that can hardly be believed. I’m stunned. Thank you for the link.
A really, really excellent piece of writing. Well deserving of the Pulitzer.
But I really didn’t want reminding that this happens every damned day in this country.
I could rant on and on about the really individually excellent things done to bring us to a state wherein we essentially have no mental health care system at all – but it is but one rent in the tent. And it isn’t MY blog ; ).