A lawsuit to relish

It seems Sara Lee is red hot at Kraft. Sara Lee makes Ball Park franks; Kraft owns Oscar Mayer.

According to the Chicago Tribune here’s the beef:

The Sara Lee suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Chicago, says the ad is false and misleading because in large type it implies one Oscar Mayer dog bested the taste of all Ball Park dogs. But the footnote, “in very small type,” says that Oscar Mayer compared its hot dogs to “the leading beef franks” of its main rivals.

The suit also claims Oscar Mayer’s contention that its Jumbo Beef franks are “100 percent pure beef” is false because they contain a host of other ingredients. Sara Lee says Oscar Mayer has rejected requests to drop its 100 percent pure beef claims.

The case law that applies may have been written by Justice Felix Frankfurter.

With apologies to official oldest child Ken.