
It appears that my next door neighbor, who has flown the U.S. flag in front of his house virtually every day since 9-11, stopped flying it this week.

I haven’t had a chance to ask him what’s up. I’m not sure whether it will bother me more to find out he’s a racist, or just that he doesn’t acknowledge that voters have a choice and it’s still his country whatever the result. Disturbing.

4 thoughts on “Odd”

  1. We had a clown in my neighborhood fly a confederate flag on Martin Luther King’s birthday Monday. I have a hunch that he skipped the Obama festivities Tuesday.

  2. I find this this post interesting in that the first thing I did as I woke up yesterday morning was walk out into my garage, grab the Stars & Stripes, and place it out in the flag stand. It was the one thing I could think of the near perfectly reflected my feelings. It’s easy to think that their are others that felt otherwise(your neighbor), but he missed out on a great day. A lot of people I ran across yesterday almost appeared to be high – people were just glowing.

  3. Maybe he thought that it was finally safe to not fly it — we have our country back.

  4. I flew the flag in front on my house all day the 20th.

    I hope you’re right Michelle. That would very good, indeed.

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