Namibia: Land of Awesome

NewMexiKen has a subscription to the magazine mental_floss (thank you Nora and Jason). Each issue they profile a country — the “50-Cent Tour” they call it. In the Jan-Feb issue the subject is Namibia. I looked for links to the article but found only this mental_floss Blog item instead.

The opening paragraph resonated quite well — I was having the same reaction to the magazine article the blogger did:

Elaborating on last week’s post on the nature of wanderlust, today I have a practical example to share. Here’s how wanderlust works. You’re minding your own business, and then something lands in front of you — say, this month’s issue of Mental_floss. You flip to the back of the mag and devour a great feature article on Namibia, and you start to feel a funny tickle in your brain. That sounds interesting, says the tickle, which leads you to the internet, where you start looking up Namibia on Wikipedia and a few hours later are looking it up on Kayak (the plane ticket comparison site). … Lonely Planet calls it “one of those dreamlike places that make you question whether something so visually orgasmic could actually exist.”