Move Along. Nothing to See Here.

NewMexiKen has no reason for not blogging. I am not traveling. I have a cold, but am no longer what could be called sick enough for a “sick day.” I’m not busy with anything else.

I just don’t want to.

(And I only posted this because when I am absent, a few of my seven regular readers sometimes wonder why.)

10 thoughts on “Move Along. Nothing to See Here.”

  1. And what do you want to do? I suspect “nothing” would be your choice after a cold!

    Take a break. We won’t even dock your pay! 🙂

    3 of 7

  2. I know the feeling. Some days I look at the web and it’s like there’s not anything even remotely interesting. I know it has more to do with my own frame of mind than it does with the material that really out there. But still.

  3. In the construction business we call this eye trouble, as in “I can’t see coming in to work today.”

  4. I call these “Mental Health” Days. Take what you need…but know that you are missed. I won’t have anything to read when I’m on terminal hold at work.

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