4 thoughts on “Idle thought”

  1. Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn for Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner in 1968.

    Also, Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn for, respectively, Bad Day at Black Rock and Summertime, in 1956.

    Oh, but wait: they weren’t married either. Nevermind.

  2. Well, if we’re including people who aren’t really married, but are Hollywood married, include Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams (both for Brokeback Mountain in 2006). Oh, and Laurence Olivier (for Wuthering Heights) and Vivien Leigh (for Gone with the Wind) in 1940 – they were Hollywood married at the time and got real married later that year.

  3. Thanks, Karen.

    All those ads saying that domestic partners are just as good as married? I knew they were lying about something, I just wasn’t sure what.

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