3 thoughts on “Joe the Plumber”

  1. According to news reports, Joe Wurzelbacher says the plumbing business he plans to buy nets between $250,000 and $280,000 a year.

    So his taxes under Obama’s plan would go up a whole $900 max.


  2. It’s beginning to look a little lot like Joe was a McCain campaign surrogate. When will the mainstream news media figure it out?

    Maybe he should replace Palin on the ticket. We can always use a good plumber around the White House.

  3. If he was a plant, then it was a major misfire. Rather than ignore Joe, or offer some vague reassurance about “looking out for you,” Obama took his question seriously.

    He offers a five-minute explanation not only of the plan itself, but of how it would specifically affect Joe, why the plan is necessary, why the other way hasn’t worked, and how the tax can be viewed in the bigger picture.

    Joe was mad, making rumblings about how he doesn’t want to lose money because he’s worked hard (i.e. the old Republican idea that they are the only ones working hard and everyone else is just getting a free ride on their taxes) and Obama reminded him that lots of people making less than $250,000 work hard (shocking, I know).

    This – madame “he pals around with terrorists” – is what campaigning should look like.

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