6 thoughts on “Best line of the day, so far”

  1. All of this goes back to the the question of John McCain’s judgment. No matter what Palin defenders say (and they always stutter and stammer when doing so), this lady is NOT prepared to be VP and certainly not President of the United States of America. McCain has made a mockery of this election and tarnished his reputation and the Republican ticket by doing so. NOT love of country; rather. love of self. Win at all cost.

  2. i think people need to stop attacking sarah palin, it is sicking. People need to focus on the issues and the proposed policies; not these “exposing” stories on how sarah palin is acting [with no clear evidence]. I think this type of political gossip is pointless, and i am a Democrat.

  3. people will stop attacking sarah palin when she stops doing and saying things warranting criticism. maybe if she talked more about the issues and spent less time attacking the obama campaign in a desperate attempt to win over voters she’d be ‘attacked’ less.

  4. I think the article is bang on and I might add that she seems to be an ambitious bully (see ethical misconduct in the firing of her Police Chief) who gets away with it because she’s an attractive woman and has honed her beauty queen charm to get what she wants. Make no mistake, she is loyal to no one including John McCain or the Republican party; it’s all about Sarah, she’s in the spotlight now and she’s not going to give that up. She’s not going to tie her horse to a loser like McCain, she is positioning herself for 2012, but mark my words, the Republican party will not embrace her like you think they will. She was a rent a player with style but little substance for this election and despite the right wing talk show jocks talking her up, privately they know she is a light weight and will not back her in 2012, just like the rest of the party won’t back her.

    She’s been used by McCain and Republican’s and now she’s using them to hold on the spotlight despite being on a losing ticket.

    This girl has ambition, but she will never be President of the United States. Her being the attack dog for McCain and not knowing the issues to even the degree that a high schooler would know them has permanently damaged her for the future. She lies for the party and you know they are lying talking points, because she doesn’t know anything, she’s simply a wind up Caribou Barbie that can talk; but can’t think.

    American’s (at least most of them) realize that she is an empty skirt, and quite possibly all of us are smarter than her; but she is a good performer, she will probably end up with a show on Fox once she is no longer Governor of Alaska.

  5. McCain created a monster. She has all the ingredients of a dictator in training: extremist views, huge ego, huge ambition, tendency to abuse power, weak ethics, pathological liar, able to use her kids and newborn baby as political props, populist, hates the media, delusional (believes that seeing Russia from an island in Alaska gives them any qualifications in foreign affairs) and narcissistic; yet, strangely appealing for many people. I hope she keeps messing up her own career, for the safety of America.

  6. I don’t vote so I feel I have an ‘outsider’s ‘ view on this

    Palin is a ‘ BIMBO’ !!! She running in 2012 -2016 ???

    Maybe she can get Paris Hilton for her running mate !!!

    LMAO with the rest of the world !!!


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