Maybe it’s just me

… but isn’t it intolerably condescending of the political commentariat to keep talking and writing about whether Hillary Clinton’s supporters will switch to McCain because he selected a woman as his running mate? The two women, Clinton and Palin, agree on almost nothing.

I am not aware that women make political choices based solely on gender without regard to the issues.

Update: No, it’s not just me.

6 thoughts on “Maybe it’s just me”

  1. Yes, if she becomes VP, she could well become the first female US president. Good thing she has all that foreign relations experience from, you know, living close to the Russians and all….

    I think this shallow Republican party ploy is an outrageous insult to the character of thinking, concerned women the nation over, especially those who were in favor of Hillary Clinton. To suggest that we would vote for someone merely because she has a vagina and boobies, regardless of her political stance, record, or the lack of experience she has should she have to step up and lead the nation….

    It just proves how clueless they really are; not to mention dangerous.

  2. The choice just highlights a big difference between Obama and McCain.

    Obama picks Biden, who brings little to the table politically. He’s from a tiny state that isn’t geographically desirable to the Democrats. He has plenty of scandals and remarks in his past that can be brought up during the campaign. And he tends to shoot his mouth off. However…he would bring a lot to the office of vice president. He has experience in foreigh policy and in government that would be exceptionally helpful to Obama.

    McCain, on the other hand, picks someone who could be a great help to him politically…and in absolutely no other way.

    Obama wants to win, but he has his eyes on the greater goal of actually doing a good job in office. McCain wants to win the election, whatever it takes, and damn the consequences.

  3. Hey Ephraim, don’t fret, we all say things we regret. Why at dinner Sunday night I myself said I didn’t think Palin would be on the ticket by the end of September. I regret not saying by the end of the week.

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